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4FA-92-01581CI Schoenewald, Judith E et al vs. PAY 'N SAVE DRUG STO et al MEG

Court Case Details

Case Number: 4FA-92-01581CI
Case Type: Civil Superior Ct (4FA)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Claim against Owner of Real Property for Personal Injury
Case Judge: Greene, Mary E
File Date: 03 Sep 1992


Name Role
Schoenewald, Judith E Plaintiff
Schoenewald, Henry W Plaintiff
GAVORA, INC. Defendant


Disposition Date Case Judge
*Dismissed Prior to Conversion 1994-06-20 Greene, Mary E


Date Text
                                    All Records Prior to 10/22/04   are Converted Records, for more information
            please come to the Clerks Office with the case number 
            or mail inquiries to:
            Fairbanks Trial Courts
            101 Lacey Street
            Fairbanks, AK 99701.
            Please note that some converted data, especially dates, may be incorrect due to data entry errors prior to conversion.
                                    Filed Date: Sep  3 1992
                                    Settlement Conference Prior to Conversion
            Text: CONTINUED SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE At: 4FA Reset:  By:  Case Title: SCHOENEWALD V GAVORA In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0100 Judge: CRP Court/Room:   3 Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 04/22/1994
                                    Pretrial Conference Prior to Conversion
            Text: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE At: 4FA Reset:  By:  Case Title: SCHOENWALD V. PAY 'N In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0400 Judge: MEG Court/Room:   A Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 02/22/1994
                                    Trial Call Prior to Conversion
            Text: BJT: At: 4FA Reset:  By:  Case Title: SCHOENWALD V. PAY 'N In Custody: U Est Time: 05.0D Time:  Judge: MEG Court/Room:   A Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 02/22/1994
                                    Closed Date: Jun 20 1994
                                    Execution Prior to Conversion
            Txt:Adr: 714 FOURTH AVE #200 |FAIRBANKS      |AK|99701 At:4FA Adj Amt: Rcpt#:144406 Amt Rcvd: HowPd: Plt/DefLst:CALKINS FN:ROBERT MI: DOB: Rcvd Frm: Chk#:0105085 Amt Pd:541.15 Rsn:WE PdTo:SCHUMANN & GROS F:COOK M: D:11/27/1994
                                    Execution Prior to Conversion
            Txt:Adr: 714 FOURTH AVE #200 |FAIRBANKS      |AK|99701 At:4FA Adj Amt: Rcpt#:144406 Amt Rcvd: HowPd: Plt/DefLst:CALKINS FN:ROBERT MI: DOB: Rcvd Frm: Chk#:0105085 Amt Pd:-541.15 Rsn:VC PdTo:SCHUMANN & GROS F:COOK M: D:11/28/1994