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3AN-98-10734CI CHUCK'S BACKHOE vs. Buza, Mike et al CLK3AN

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-98-10734CI
Case Type: Civil District Court (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Other Contract
Case Judge: Clerk, Anchorage Court
File Date: 18 Nov 1998


Name Role
Buza, Mike Defendant
Buza, Paris Defendant


Disposition Date Case Judge
*Disposed Prior to Conversion 2000-07-25 Clerk, Anchorage Court


Date Text
Nov 18 1998
Filed Date: Nov 18 1998
Nov 18 1998
All Records Prior to 10/20/03 are Converted Records, for more information
            please come to the Clerks Office with the case number 
            or mail inquiries to:
            Anchorage Trial Courts
            Records Division
            825 West 4th Avenue
            Anchorage, AK 99501-2004.
            Please note that some converted data, especially dates, may be incorrect due to data entry errors prior to conversion.
May 12 1999
First Answer Filed
            1st Answer Filed
May 21 1999
Rdy For Trial
Aug 24 1999
Text: PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE - JUDGE JOANNIDES At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: A0830 Judge: SEJ Court/Room: 201 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 05/26/1999
Sep 22 1999
Text: SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE CONTINUED TO 10-25-99/"PGA" At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0130 Judge: PGA Court/Room:  Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 09/22/1999
Oct 25 1999
Text: SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE SET PER JUDGE ASHMAN At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0330 Judge: PGA Court/Room: 3O2 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 10/22/1999
Nov 10 1999
Text: SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE B4 JUDGE ASHMAN-ATTY OSZKUS At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0330 Judge: PGA Court/Room: 301 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 11/05/1999
Feb 22 2000
Text: CIVIL TRIAL CALL CONTINTUED TO MAY/JOANNIDES At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: A0830 Judge: SDA Court/Room: 3O1 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  P D: 02/22/2000
Apr 21 2000
Text: SETTLEMENT CONF./JUDGE ASHMAN/ALL AFTERNOON At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0130 Judge: PGA Court/Room: 320 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  P D: 03/09/2000
May 22 2000
Text: CONT. FROM 2-22/ ASHMAN FOR JOANNIDES      At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: A0830 Judge: PGA Court/Room: 3O3 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  P D: 05/19/2000
Jul 24 2000
Text: CIVIL TRIAL CALL / JUDGE FINN FOR ASHMAN          At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CHUCK'S BACKHOE V BU In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: A0830 Judge: NKF Court/Room: 3O5 Dist/Sup: D Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 07/21/2000
Jul 25 2000
Closed Date: Jul 25 2000
Jul 25 2000
Non-Trial Judgment Amount
Jul 31 2000
Txt:SATJ FILED 7/21/2000 At:3AN Adj Amt: Rcpt#: Amt Rcvd: HowPd: Plt/DefLst: FN: MI: DOB: Rcvd Frm: Chk#: Amt Pd: Rsn: PdTo: F: M: D:07/31/2000
Oct 19 2003
            Receipt Date : 11/18/98	Receipt Number : 389811	Amount : $60        
            Party from : CHUCK'S BACKHOE, OCZKUS LAW,
            	Tender : CK        
            	Tender : 3AN
            	Orig. Court : 3AN
            	Acct1 : 405
            	Total : 60
            	Comments : OCT V BUZA                 
            	33date : 11181998
            	34time : 1206
            	35posted : P