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3AN-91-03693CI Stambaugh, Rodney vs. Fairbanks fuel inc, . et al JAH

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-91-03693CI
Case Type: Civil Superior Ct (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Claim against Owner of Real Property for Personal Injury
Case Judge: Hanson, James A
File Date: 03 May 1991


Name Role
Stambaugh, Rodney Plaintiff
Fairbanks fuel inc, . Defendant


Disposition Date Case Judge
*Dismissed Prior to Conversion 1994-10-26 Hanson, James A


Date Text
May 03 1991
Filed Date: May  3 1991
May 03 1991
All Records Prior to 10/20/03 are Converted Records, for more information
            please come to the Clerks Office with the case number 
            or mail inquiries to:
            Anchorage Trial Courts
            Records Division
            825 West 4th Avenue
            Anchorage, AK 99501-2004.
            Please note that some converted data, especially dates, may be incorrect due to data entry errors prior to conversion.
Jul 20 1994
Text: TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE (IN CHAMBERS) At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: STAMBOUGH VS FAIRBKS In Custody: U Est Time: 15.0M Time: P0300 Judge: JER Court/Room:  Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 07/12/1994
Sep 30 1994
Text: SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: STAMBAUGH V FAIRBANK In Custody: U Est Time: 02.0H Time: P0230 Judge: JER Court/Room: 358 Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 09/22/1994
Oct 26 1994
Closed Date: Oct 26 1994