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3AN-07-06898CI Green, Bart vs. Joyner, Donald L et al SEJ

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-07-06898CI
Case Type: Civil Superior Ct (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Other Real Estate Matter
Case Judge: Joannides, Stephanie E
File Date: 01 May 2007


Name Role
Green, Bart Plaintiff
Joyner, Donald L Defendant
Joyner, Beena U Defendant


Disposition Date Case Judge
Dismissed - Other. Case Closed. 2007-05-23 Joannides, Stephanie E


Receipt Number Date Amount
250434 2007-05-01 $150.00


Date Location Type Result Event Judge
2007-05-09 Courtroom 604, Nesbett Courthouse Trial Setting Conference Superior Court Hearing Held Joannides, Stephanie E
2007-05-22 Courtroom 604, Nesbett Courthouse Non-Jury Trial Superior Court Civil Hearing Held Joannides, Stephanie E


Cost Type Amount Owned Amount Paid Amount Adjusted Amount Outstanding
Total $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00
Filing Fee $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00


Date Text
May 01 2007
Case Flagged for Civil Rule 4(j) Tracking (3AN)
            Donald L Joyner (Defendant); Beena U Joyner (Defendant); Gemini Properties LLC (Defendant);
May 01 2007
Complaint Re Real Estate Matter  Receipt: 250434  Date: 05/01/2007
May 01 2007
Summons and Notice to Both Parties of Judicial Assignment
May 01 2007
Attorney Information
            Attorney Artus, William D representing Plaintiff Green, Bart as of 05/01/2007
May 01 2007
Motion & Memorandum for Preliminary Injunction
            Attorney: Artus, William D (7410059)
            Case Motion #1
May 01 2007
Affidavit in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction
            Case Motion #1: Ex Parte Motion
May 01 2007
Motion for Expedited Consideration of Motion for Preliminary Injunction
            Attorney: Artus, William D (7410059)
            Case Motion #2
May 03 2007
Return of Service - Summons Served On:
            Donald L Joyner (Defendant); Beena U Joyner (Defendant); Gemini Properties LLC (Defendant);
May 07 2007
Order Granting Motion for Expedited Consideration
            Case Motion #2: Expedited Motion
May 14 2007
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kibby, Richard D representing Defendant Gemini Properties LLC as of 05/14/2007
May 14 2007
Memorandum in Response to Plaintiff's Motion for a Preliminary InjunctionOpposition to Motion
            Attorney: Kibby, Richard D (8006024)
            Case Motion #1: Ex Parte Motion
May 14 2007
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kibby, Richard D representing Defendant Joyner, Donald L as of 05/14/2007
May 14 2007
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kibby, Richard D representing Defendant Joyner, Beena U as of 05/14/2007
May 17 2007
Reply to Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction
            Attorney: Artus, William D (7410059)
            Bart Green (Plaintiff); ; William D Artus (Attorney) on behalf of Bart Green (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #1: Ex Parte Motion
May 23 2007
Order for Release of Liens
            Case Motion #1: Ex Parte Motion
May 23 2007
Case Dismissed
May 01 2008
Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice (In Motion Tracking) (c/s 5/5/08 CR 41 lacks required settlement certification/Richard Kibby is attorney of record for defendants/Steven L. Jones signed as attorney for defendants)
            Attorney: Artus, William D (7410059)
            Bart Green (Plaintiff); Donald L Joyner (Defendant);
            Case Motion #3
May 05 2008
Civil Deficiency Memo mailed re: Stipulation for Dismissal With Prejudice filed on 5/1/08, does not comply with Civil Rule 41. Also, Stipulation was signed by Steven L. Jones as attorney for defendants. Case file reflects that defendants are represented by Attorney Richard Kibby.
            Civil Deficiency Memo
            Sent on:  05/05/2008  09:20:10
May 23 2008
                  Green, Bart