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3AN-07-04695CI Norman, Sara A et al vs. Arctic Structures LLC SKT

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-07-04695CI
Case Type: Civil Superior Ct (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Automobile Tort (but not wrongful death)
Case Judge: Tan, Sen K
File Date: 30 Jan 2007


Name Role
Norman, Sara A Plaintiff
Norman, Amara Plaintiff
Villanueva, Carlos A Plaintiff


Disposition Date Case Judge
Stipulated or Unopposed Dismissal 2007-11-15 Tan, Sen K


Receipt Number Date Amount
230091 2007-01-30 $150.00
266420 2007-07-16 $4.00
1206231 2015-08-28 $11.00
1243039 2015-11-18 $9.00


Date Location Type Result Event Judge
2008-05-05 Courtroom 504, Nesbett Courthouse Pre-Trial Conference Superior Court Civil Hearing Vacated Tan, Sen K
2008-05-12 Courtroom 504, Nesbett Courthouse Jury Trial Superior Court Civil Hearing Vacated Tan, Sen K


Cost Type Amount Owned Amount Paid Amount Adjusted Amount Outstanding
Total $174.00 $174.00 $0.00 $0.00
Filing Fee $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00
Miscellaneous Revenue $24.00 $24.00 $0.00 $0.00


Date Text
Jan 30 2007
Complaint for Personal Injury and Property Damages Auto - Superior Ct  Receipt: 230091  Date: 01/30/2007
Jan 30 2007
Summons and Notice to Both Parties of Judicial Assignment
Jan 30 2007
Case Flagged for Civil Rule 4(j) Tracking (3AN)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
Jan 30 2007
Attorney Information
            Attorney Wirschem, Michael R representing Plaintiff Norman, Sara A as of 01/30/2007
Feb 09 2007
Affidavit of Service (Summons and Complaint Upon Defendant)
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff);
Feb 20 2007
Entry of Appearance
            Attorney Farley, Laura L representing Defendant Arctic Structures LLC as of 02/20/2007
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
Feb 22 2007
Demand Jury Trial
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
Feb 22 2007
Answer to Complaint
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
Feb 23 2007
Initial Pretrial Order Issued
Mar 13 2007
Joint Submission of Trial Dates
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
Apr 09 2007
Routine Pretrial Order Issued; 4-Day JUTR set for May 12, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. (trailing calendar) w/PTCF set for May 5, 2008 at 2:30 p.m.
Apr 27 2007
Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment re: Liability and Damages 
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff); Amara Norman (Plaintiff); Carlos A Villanueva (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #1
Apr 27 2007
Request for Oral Argument on Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Liability and Damages
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff); Amara Norman (Plaintiff); Carlos A Villanueva (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion
May 15 2007
Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment RE: Liability and Damages or in the Alternative for a Rule 56(F) Continuance
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion
May 22 2007
Reply to Defendant's Opposition to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Liability and Damages
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff); Amara Norman (Plaintiff); Carlos A Villanueva (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion
Jun 25 2007
Plaintiffs' Second Request for Oral Argument on the Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Liability and Damages
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff); Amara Norman (Plaintiff); Carlos A Villanueva (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion
Jun 25 2007
Order granting deft's alternative motion for Rule 56(f) continuance. Addtl. 90 days given to conduct discovery, any supplemental opp to partial MSMJ due in 120 days, w/any supplemental reply due w/in 10 days after supplemental opp is filed.
Jul 16 2007
Certified Mailing Fee  Receipt: 266420  Date: 07/16/2007
Jul 25 2007
Motion for Expedited Consideration of:Motion to Quash Subpoena
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
            Case Motion #2
Jul 25 2007
Motion to Quash Subpoena
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
            Case Motion #3
Jul 26 2007
Order Denying Motion for Expedited Consideration of defendant's principal Motion to Quash Subpoena. Parties ordered to meet and confer in person within the next five days to work this issue out.  
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Case Motion #2: Expedited Motion
Aug 06 2007
Opposition to Motion to Quash Subpoena
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff); Amara Norman (Plaintiff); Carlos A Villanueva (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #3: Standard Motion
Aug 10 2007
Reply to Plaintiff's Opposition to Motion to Quash Subpoena 
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
            Case Motion #3: Standard Motion
Aug 14 2007
Order Denying Motion to Quash Deposition, however, plaintiff shall be responsible for Dr. Soot's fees for attending the depo.
            Case Motion #3: Standard Motion
Oct 31 2007
Motion for Approval of Minor Settlement 
            Attorney: Wirschem, Michael R (9511049)
            Sara A Norman (Plaintiff); Amara Norman (Plaintiff); Carlos A Villanueva (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #4
Nov 02 2007
Non-Opposition to Motion for Approval of Minor Settlement
            Attorney: Farley, Laura L (9211078)
            Arctic Structures LLC (Defendant);
            Case Motion #4: Standard Motion
Nov 07 2007
Order Granting Non-Opposed Motion for Approval of Minor Settlement (court also received telephonic notice from pltf's atty  that the case has settled in its entirety and additional settlement paperwork will be forthcoming).
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #4: Standard Motion
Nov 15 2007
Dismissed by Stipulation or Unopposed Motion
Aug 28 2015
Copies Made per Admin Rule 9 (e)(1)
            For a single document or portion of a document $5
            If copies of multiple documents are requested at the same time, for each additional document (after the first) $2  Receipt: 1206231  Date: 08/28/2015
Nov 18 2015
Copies Made per Admin Rule 9 (e)(1)
            For a single document or portion of a document $5
            If copies of multiple documents are requested at the same time, for each additional document (after the first) $2  Receipt: 1243039  Date: 11/18/2015