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3AN-06-11116CI North American Capacity Insurance Company vs. Discovery Construction Inc et al SG

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-06-11116CI
Case Type: Civil Superior Ct (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Declaratory Judgment/Injunctive Relief - Superior Court
Case Judge: Gleason, Sharon
File Date: 30 Aug 2006


Name Role
North American Capacity Insurance Company Plaintiff
Baker, Zane Defendant
Baker, Marcy Defendant
Bennett, Derek Defendant
Bennett, Kaci Defendant
Dames, Ian R Defendant
Davison, Travis Defendant
Davison, Alisa Defendant
Espy, Amber Defendant


Disposition Date Case Judge
Dismissed by Plaintiff 2006-09-05 Gleason, Sharon


Receipt Number Date Amount
189931 2006-08-30 $150.00


Cost Type Amount Owned Amount Paid Amount Adjusted Amount Outstanding
Total $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00
Filing Fee $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00


Date Text
Aug 30 2006
Complaint for Injunctive Relief  Receipt: 189931  Date: 08/30/2006
Aug 30 2006
Summons Issued
Aug 30 2006
Case Flagged for Civil Rule 4(j) Tracking (3AN)
            Discovery Construction Inc (Defendant); Zane Baker (Defendant); Marcy Baker (Defendant); Derek Bennett (Defendant); Kaci Bennett (Defendant); Ian R Dames (Defendant); Travis Davison (Defendant); Alisa Davison (Defendant); Amber Espy (Defendant); Patrick Espy (Defendant); Michael Evans (Defendant); Jamie Evans (Defendant); Sean Green (Defendant); Pamela Huffman (Defendant); Cristobal Jaque (Defendant); Dorothy Menegatos (Defendant); Sarah Menegatos (Defendant); Anousone Nusaath (Defendant); Heidi O'Docharty (Defendant); Ebin O'Docharty (Defendant); Darrius Smith (Defendant); Chastala Smith (Defendant); Leslie Shickle (Defendant); Larry Tracy (Defendant); Ne Phtali Wenona Wray (Defendant);
Aug 30 2006
Attorney Information
            Attorney Juday, Jerome H representing Plaintiff North American Capacity Insurance Company as of 08/30/2006
Sep 05 2006
Notice of Dismissal Without Prejudice
            Attorney: Juday, Jerome H (8206037)
            North American Capacity Insurance Company (Plaintiff);