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3AN-04-06879CI Pacific Rim Properties vs. Hand, Debra JWS

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-04-06879CI
Case Type: Eviction District Court (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Eviction - District Court (may include rent and damages)
Case Judge: Smith, Jack W
File Date: 07 May 2004


Name Role
Hand, Debra Defendant


Disposition Date Case Judge
Dismissed - Other. Case Closed. 2005-01-04 Smith, Jack W


Receipt Number Date Amount
33045 2004-05-07 $90.00


Date Location Type Result Event Judge
2004-05-14 Courtroom 202, Nesbett Courthouse Eviction Hearing District Court Hearing Vacated Wanamaker, James N
2004-06-01 Courtroom 305, Nesbett Courthouse Eviction Hearing District Court XXResulted Smith, Jack W


Cost Type Amount Owned Amount Paid Amount Adjusted Amount Outstanding
Total $90.00 $90.00 $0.00 $0.00
Filing Fee $90.00 $90.00 $0.00 $0.00


Date Text
May 07 2004
Complaint for Forcible Entry and Detainer Filed  Receipt: 33045  Date: 05/07/2004
May 07 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)
May 07 2004
Case flagged for Civil Rule 4(j) tracking (3AN)
            Debra Hand (Defendant)
May 07 2004
Entry of Appearance
            Attorney: Jones, Steven L (9311102)
            Attorney: Walker Jr, Clayton H (0001002)
May 07 2004
Writ of Assistance (Proposed) Filed
May 07 2004
Partial Judgment for Possession (Proposed) Filed
May 20 2004
Certificate of Service
May 20 2004
Supplemental Summons Issued to Debra Hand
Jan 05 2005
Judgment Docket Entry (001)
            Dismissed without prejudice
Jan 05 2005
Notice of Dismissal 41(e) (3AN)
May 13 2005
Other Dismissal