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3AN-03-03558CI Corneliussen, Adam R et al vs. Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire LLC et al MR

Court Case Details

Case Number: 3AN-03-03558CI
Case Type: Civil Superior Ct (3AN)
Case Status: Closed
Action: Claim against Owner of Real Property for Personal Injury
Case Judge: Rindner, Mark
File Date: 10 Jan 2003


Name Role
TDS Inc Defendant
TDS Inc Third-Party Plaintiff
DRECO, INC. Third-Party Defendant
Dreco Energy Services Ltd Third-Party Defendant
Chen, Then Third-Party Defendant
PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service Ltd Third-Party Defendant
BP EXPLORATION (ALASKA) INC. Third-Party Defendant
DRECO, INC. Defendant
The Underwriter Insurance Company Plaintiff


Disposition Date Case Judge
Perempt Disqual by Defendant/Respondent/Appellee 2003-10-20 Reese, John E
Stipulated or Unopposed Dismissal 2005-12-16 Rindner, Mark


Receipt Number Date Amount
17009 2003-12-29 $10.00
18458 2004-01-09 $11.20
21984 2004-02-10 $21.05
41591 2004-07-20 $10.00
49082 2004-09-20 $6.00
49935 2004-09-28 $50.00
65309 2004-12-15 $10.00
69438 2005-01-20 $11.00
69601 2005-01-21 $17.00
72963 2005-02-18 $10.00


Date Location Type Result Event Judge
2005-02-17 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse *Oral Argument Superior Court Hearing Held Rindner, Mark
2005-03-16 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse *Oral Argument Superior Court Hearing Reset Rindner, Mark
2005-03-16 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse *Oral Argument Superior Court Hearing Held Rindner, Mark
2005-09-30 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse Status Hearing Superior Court Hearing Reset Rindner, Mark
2005-10-05 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse Status Hearing Superior Court Hearing Vacated Rindner, Mark
2005-12-05 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse Pre-Trial Conference Superior Court Civil Hearing Vacated Rindner, Mark
2006-01-09 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse Jury Trial Superior Court Civil Hearing Vacated Rindner, Mark
2005-07-11 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse Jury Trial Superior Court Civil Hearing Vacated Rindner, Mark
2004-12-14 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse Status Hearing Superior Court Hearing Held Rindner, Mark
2005-08-04 Courtroom 403, Nesbett Courthouse *Oral Argument Superior Court Hearing Held Rindner, Mark


Cost Type Amount Owned Amount Paid Amount Adjusted Amount Outstanding
Total $569.25 $569.25 $0.00 $0.00
Miscellaneous Revenue $569.25 $569.25 $0.00 $0.00


Date Text
Jan 10 2003
Filed Date: Jan 10 2003
Jan 10 2003
All Records Prior to 10/20/03 are Converted Records, for more information
            please come to the Clerks Office with the case number 
            or mail inquiries to:
            Anchorage Trial Courts
            Records Division
            825 West 4th Avenue
            Anchorage, AK 99501-2004.
            Please note that some converted data, especially dates, may be incorrect due to data entry errors prior to conversion.
Jan 10 2003
Case flagged for Civil Rule 4(j) tracking (3AN)
            Filed by:  PLT
            C1:  EOA FILED 03-05-03
Feb 19 2003
First Answer Filed
            1st Answer Filed
Mar 10 2003
Rdy For Trial
Mar 12 2003
Loc:3AN Judge:JES Reason:DD Atty:8509120 New Judge:JER Mod Date:04/11/2003
Sep 05 2003
Stipulation (In Motion Tracking)
            Filed by:  CLARIFY
Sep 22 2003
Text:           PETUMENOS/GIVENS/THORNSESS/TORGERSON At: 3AN Reset: 07/31/2003 By: AMB Case Title: CORNELIUSSEN V BRIDG In Custody: U Est Time:  Time: P0200 Judge: JER Court/Room: 544 Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 07/31/2003
Oct 15 2003
Motion to Amend 1st Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #5
Oct 19 2003
            Receipt Date : 01/10/03	Receipt Number : 580754	Amount : $100       
            Party from : BIRCH,HORTON,, BITTNER&CHEROT,
            	Tender : CK        
            	Tender : 3AN
            	Orig. Court : 3AN
            	Acct1 : 405
            	Total : 100
            	Comments : 011003,#53266,PIO          
            	33date : 01102003
            	34time : 1548
            	35posted : P
Oct 20 2003
Text:      PETUMENOS/THORSNESS/TORGERSON/PEABODY At: 3AN Reset:  By:  Case Title: CORNELIUSSEN V BRIDG In Custody: U Time: P0215 Dist/Sup: S Judge Disq:  Notice Code:  D: 10/13/2003
Oct 20 2003
Attorney Information
            Attorney Nave, Michael K representing Defendant Inc., Rimex as of 10/20/2003
Oct 20 2003
Entry of Appearance for deft Rimex, Inc.
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
Oct 20 2003
Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #4
Oct 21 2003
Report of Parties' Planning Meeting
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
Oct 22 2003
Bridestone/Firestone Americas Holding, Inc.'s Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #40
Oct 23 2003
Proposed Order (No Tickle) filed. Order granting motion to Amend First Amended Complaint.
Nov 04 2003
Stipulation (In Motion Tracking) and Order Granting Extension of Time for Plaintiffs to Respond to Summary Judgment Motions.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            . B/f americas holding (Defendant); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #3
Nov 05 2003
Peremptory Disqualification by Defendant
Nov 05 2003
Certificate of Service - supplement certificate of service for stip
Nov 06 2003
Order Granting Motion to Amend First Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #5: Standard Motion
Nov 06 2003
Order Granting Extension of time for Plaintiffs to respond to summary judgment motions
            Case Motion #3: Stipulation
Nov 14 2003
Stipulation for ext to 12-15-03 for pltfs to respond to Bridgestone/Firestone America's Mtn for Summary Judgment filed 10-22-03 & to Bridgestone/Firestone Off Road's Mtn for Summary Judgment filed 10-20-03.(In Motion Tracking)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #6
Nov 17 2003
Miscellaneous Letter to Timothy Petumenus
Nov 19 2003
Stipulation and order granting additional extension of time for plaintiffs to respond to summary judgment motions
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #6: Stipulation
Nov 20 2003
Joinder Filed/Def. Tire Dist. System, Inc. and Rodney Jones Joinder in 
            Bridgestone/Firestone's Report of Parties Planning Meeting
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
Nov 25 2003
Answer Filed to Second Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Nov 26 2003
Answer Filed to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant)
Nov 28 2003
Answer to Plaintiff's Second  Amended Complaint Filed
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Dec 08 2003
Stipulation (In Motion Tracking) for Dismissal with Prejudice of Defendant Bridgestone/Firestone Off Road Tire Company
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #7
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Dec 09 2003
Proposed Order (No Tickle) Extension
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
Dec 09 2003
Rule 56(f) Motion for Extension of Time of 120 days to file opp to B/F America's Holding Mtn for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #9
Dec 09 2003
Proposed Order (No Tickle) Out of State Atty
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Dec 09 2003
Motion to Participate Out of State Atty
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #8
Dec 17 2003
Stipulation (In Motion Tracking) - stipulated protective order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #10
Dec 19 2003
Order Granting Motion to appear and participate pro hac vice
            Case Motion #8: Standard Motion
Dec 19 2003
Motion to Compel
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #11
Dec 19 2003
Agreed Protective Order Signed by Judge
            Case Motion #10: Stipulation
Dec 19 2003
Non-opposition to mtn for extension of time
            Attorney: Thorsness, John B. (8211154)
            Case Motion #9: Standard Motion
Dec 22 2003
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Non-Resident Attorney
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #17
Dec 22 2003
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Non-Resident Attorney   -(Signed by Paul Leary, Jr)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #13
Dec 26 2003
Notice of:rule 26 disclosure
Dec 29 2003
Notice of:payment of bar assn fee - Greenbaum
Dec 29 2003
Notice of:payment of bar assn fee -Leary
Dec 29 2003
Duplication  Receipt: 17009  Date: 12/29/2003
Dec 30 2003
Motion to Appear and Participate Pro Hac Vice
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #14
Dec 30 2003
Rimex's Answer to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Dec 31 2003
Opposition to Bridgestone/Firestone's Motion to Compel Answers to Interrogatories and Requests for Production
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #11: Standard Motion
Jan 08 2004
Non-opposition to Motion by Non-Resident Attorney to Appear and Participate
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #14: Standard Motion
Jan 09 2004
Reply to Opp
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
Jan 09 2004
Case Uncertified Copies  Receipt: 18458  Date: 01/09/2004
Jan 09 2004
Duplication  Receipt: 18458  Date: 01/09/2004  Receipt: 21984  Date: 02/10/2004
Jan 13 2004
Proposed Non-Routine Pretrial Order, per order of 12-18-03. (No Tickle)
Jan 20 2004
Request for 10 Additional Trial Days
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #15
Jan 20 2004
Notice of Filing Telefaxed Signature Page
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
Jan 22 2004
Motion for Leave to: fiile supplemental opp to mtn to compel
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Case Motion #16
Jan 22 2004
Notice of: lodging supplement memo in opp to mtn to compel pending ruling on mtn to permit filing
Jan 30 2004
Notice of filing-Proposed Order Setting Procedure for Discovery Master (w/Tickle - No Motion)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
Feb 02 2004
Application for Commission to Take Out-Of-State Depositions and For The Issuance of Subpoenas and Subpoenas Duces Tecum
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #17
Feb 04 2004
Non-opposition to Mtn to Permit Filing of Supplemental Memorandum & Conditional Non-Opp to Pltf's Supplemental Memorandum
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Non-Resident Attorney
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #17: Standard Motion
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Non-Resident Attorney
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #13: Standard Motion
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion to Appear and Participate Pro Hac Vice
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #14: Standard Motion
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion for extension of time of 120 days to file opp to B/F America's Holding Mtn for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Case Motion #9: Standard Motion
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion to take out of state depositions
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #17: Standard Motion
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion to permit supplemental memorandum
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            Case Motion #16: Standard Motion
Feb 05 2004
Order Setting Procedure for Discovery Motion
Feb 05 2004
Non-Routine Pretrial Order
Feb 05 2004
Order Granting Motion for 10 additional trial days
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
Feb 05 2004
Motion to compel answers to interrogatories and requests for production Deemed Moot as they were referred to the discovery master
            Case Motion #11: Standard Motion
Feb 09 2004
Notice of Filing Original Signature Page to Application for Commission to Take Out-of-State Depositions and for the Issuance of Subpoenas and Subpoenas Duces Tecum
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
Feb 10 2004
Certified Copies  Receipt: 21984  Date: 02/10/2004
Mar 02 2004
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Rimex's motion re rule of law
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #18
Mar 02 2004
Certificate of Service of Opp to Rimex's Motion for Exped. Consideration
Mar 02 2004
Order Denying Motion RE: Rule of Law on Plaintiff Nabors' Offer for Partial Judgment
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #19: Standard Motion
Mar 02 2004
Motion re:  Rule of Law on Plaintiff Nabors' offer of partial judgment
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #19
Mar 03 2004
Reply re: Rimex's Rule 68 Motion
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #19: Standard Motion
Mar 04 2004
Joinder by Columbia Corp. in Rimex's Mtn re: Pltf Nabors' Offer for Partial Judgment
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Mar 04 2004
Peremptory Disqualification by Defendant
Mar 12 2004
Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendant
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Mar 12 2004
Plaintiff's Preliminary  Witness List
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
Mar 15 2004
Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendant
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Mar 15 2004
Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendant/not used, see subsequent filing
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Mar 15 2004
Errata Re: Filing corrected copy of Rimex's Preliminary Witness List
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Mar 16 2004
Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendant
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Mar 17 2004
Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendant - amended list
Mar 19 2004
Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendant
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Mar 24 2004
Stipulation for Extension of Time for Plaintiffs to Respond to Bridgestone/Firestone's Sixth Discovery Requests
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #20
Mar 30 2004
Motion to Appear & Participate Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Justin Thorp
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Case Motion #22
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Mar 30 2004
Motion to Appear & Participate by Attorney Michael Noland
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #21
Mar 31 2004
Amended Preliminary Witness List Filed by Defendants
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Apr 02 2004
Non-opposition to Mtn to Appear & Participate by Atty Justin Thorp
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #22: Standard Motion
Apr 02 2004
Non-opposition to Motion to Appear and Participate by Atty Michael Noland
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #21: Standard Motion
Apr 07 2004
Defendant's Supplemental Witness List
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Max N. Peabody (Attorney) on behalf of Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Apr 09 2004
Order Granting Two Motions for attorneys to appear pro hac vice
            Case Motion #22: Standard Motion
Jun 04 2004
Stipulation for Ext to 10-1-04 for Pltfs to Respond to Bridgestone's Mtn for Summary Judgment (In Motion Tracking)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #23
Jun 08 2004
Order: Granting Stipulation for additional extension of time.
            Case Motion #23: Stipulation
Jul 06 2004
Motion for Leave to: File Third Party Complaint
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #24
Jul 07 2004
Joinder Filed in Firestone's Motion to File Third Party Complaint
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
            Case Motion #24: Standard Motion
Jul 20 2004
2 Certified Copies (Case)  Receipt: 41591  Date: 07/20/2004
Jul 23 2004
Motion for Leave to: File Third-Party  Complaint
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #26
Jul 23 2004
Motion to Accept Late Filing of Motion for Leave to File Third-Party Complaint
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #25
Jul 28 2004
Order Granting Motion to file third-party complaint
            Order granting defendant's motion to file third-party complaint
            Order granting motion to allow out-of-state counsel's late filing
            Order signing stipulation for extension of time
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #24: Standard Motion, Case Motion #25: Standard Motion, Case Motion #26: Standard Motion
Jul 28 2004
3rd Party Complaint Filed
Aug 03 2004
Third Party Summons Issued (3AN)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 03 2004
Third Party Summons Issued (3AN)
            BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 03 2004
Third Party Summons Issued (3AN)
            PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 03 2004
Third Party Summons Issued (3AN)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 03 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)
            National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 03 2004
Third Party Summons Issued (3AN)
            Then Chen (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 03 2004
Third Party Summons Issued (3AN)
            PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 09 2004
Defendants TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Response to Plaintiff's Motion for Protective Order
            Attorney: Rush, Philip A (0109057)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Aug 16 2004
Letter Filed from CT Corporation Re: Defendant Dreco, Inc
Aug 20 2004
Stipulation Regarding Pretrial Deadline to Agree Upon a Mediator
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #27
Aug 24 2004
Stipulation and Order Regarding Pretrial Deadline to Agree Upon a Mediator
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #27: Stipulation
Aug 26 2004
Attorney Information
            Attorney Petumenos, Timothy J. representing Third Party Defendant BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. as of 08/26/2004
Aug 26 2004
Demand Jury Trial
            Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 26 2004
Answer to the Third Party Complaint of Defendant's TDS, Inc and Rodney Jones
            Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Aug 26 2004
Answer to the Third Party Complaint of Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire, LLC and Bridgestone Americas Holding, Inc
            Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Sep 10 2004
Affidavit of Service as to Third-Party Complaint
            Attorney: Thorsness, John B. (8211154)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant)
Sep 16 2004
Affidavit of Service as to Third-Party Complaint
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Sep 20 2004
Copies Made (Case)  Receipt: 49082  Date: 09/20/2004
Sep 20 2004
Motion for Summary Judgment (lacks proposed order c/s 9/22/04 MH)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #28
Sep 27 2004
Peak Oilfield Service Company's Answer to Third Party Complaint of Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire, LLC and  Bridgestone/ Firestone Americas Holding, Inc.
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
Sep 28 2004
Stipulation Granting Additional Extension of Time Until 12/30/04 to Respond to Summary Judgment Motion
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #29
Sep 28 2004
Copies Made (Case)  Receipt: 49935  Date: 09/28/2004
Sep 29 2004
Copies Made (Case)  Receipt: 50133  Date: 09/29/2004
Sep 29 2004
Misc. Note Telephone Call From Counsel; FedExed Summons for Issuance and left one out. Please Hold and Issue All At One Time-Diane
Sep 30 2004
(Then Chen)'s  Non-Conforming Answer-------LODGED----
            Attorney: Pro per (0100001)
            PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant)
Oct 04 2004
Motion for Extension of Time Until 11/3/04  to File Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #30
Oct 04 2004
Order Granting stipulation for additional extension of time for plaintiffs to respond to summary judgment motion - until 12-30-04
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #29: Stipulation
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)--To Third-Party Defendant Peak Oil Field Services Company
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)-To Third-Party Defendant BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc.
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)--To Third-Party Defendant Dreco Inc.
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)--To Third-Party Defendant National Oilwell Incorporated
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)----To Third-Party Defendant Dreco Energy Services, LTD.,
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)--To Third-Party Defendant Then Chen
Oct 05 2004
Summons Issued (3AN)---To Third-Party Defendant PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, LTD.
Oct 08 2004
Entry of Appearance for Dreco Energy Services, Ltd., Dreco, Inc. and National Oilwell, Inc.
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
Oct 08 2004
Motion for Expedited Consideration of unopposed motion to permit non-resident attorney to appear pro hac vice
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #31
Oct 08 2004
Motion to permit non-resident attorney to appear and Participate pro hac vice
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #32
Oct 08 2004
Notice of filing telefaxed signature page
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
Oct 08 2004
Order Granting Motion for expedited consideration
            Order Granting Motion for attorney to appear and participate pro hac vice
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #31: Expedited Motion, Case Motion #32: Standard Motion
Oct 12 2004
Stipulation for Additional Time Until 11/01/04 to Answer Third-Pary Complaint
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #33
Oct 14 2004
Order Granting Stipulation for additional time to answer third-party complaint
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #33: Stipulation
Oct 21 2004
Order Granting Motion for extension of time
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #30: Standard Motion
Oct 29 2004
Motion to Permit the Filing of an Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #34
Oct 29 2004
National-Oilwell, Inc.'s, Dreco, Inc., and Dreco Energy Services, Ltd's Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third Party Complaint and Cross Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Oct 29 2004
Third Amended Complaint-----LODGED----
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Nov 01 2004
First Amended Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third Pary Complaint and Cross Claims (lodged)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 01 2004
National-Oilwell, Inc.'s, Dreco, Inc.'s and Dreco Energy Services, Ltd.'s First Amended Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third Party Complaint and Cross Claims---LODGED---
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 01 2004
Motion to for Leave to File First Amended Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third Party Complaint and Cross Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #35
Nov 02 2004
Memorandum in Support of Dreco, Inc.'s and National-Oilwell, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss and Proposed Order (Lodged/per Civil Rule 7 motions and other papers should be filed separate from pleadings)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 02 2004
Notice of Filing Photocopy of Signature
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 03 2004
Plaintiffs' Opposition to Rodney Jones' and TDS' Motion for for Summary Judgment 
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Nov 03 2004
Notice of Filing Original Affidavit (Roman Konowalec)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 04 2004
Supplemental Opposition to TDS' Motion for Summary Judgment 
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion
Nov 10 2004
Partial Opposition of Defendants Bridgestone/Firestone to Plaintiffs'  Motion to Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #34: Standard Motion
Nov 15 2004
Defendants Bridgestone/ Firestone's Opposition to Dreco Entities' Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Nov 15 2004
Defendants Bridgestone/Firestone's Opposition to Dreco Entities' Motion for More Definite Statement
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Nov 15 2004
Reply to Firestone's Partial Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Amend Complaint
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #34: Standard Motion
Nov 16 2004
Non-opposition to Dreco  mtn to file amended answer
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #35: Standard Motion
Nov 17 2004
Rimex's Joinder (In Bridgestone/ Firestone's Partial Opposition Dated November 10, 2004) Filed
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Nov 17 2004
Stipulation Granting Extension of Time to Respond to Plainitffs' Opposition to Defendant' TDS and Jones' Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #36
Nov 18 2004
Order Granting Stipulation for extension of time to respond to plaintiffs opposition to defendant TDS and Jones' motion for summary judgment
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #36: Stipulation
Nov 18 2004
Order issued requesting parties to file motions in the proper format
Nov 18 2004
Order Granting Motion to permit the filing of an amended complaint
            Attorney: Sullivan, Pamela S (9711072)
            Case Motion #34: Standard Motion
Nov 19 2004
Stipulation extension to 12/22/04 to respond to Dreco/National  mtn to dismiss
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #37
Nov 19 2004
Joinder of Columbia Corporation in Bridgestone/ Firestone's Partial Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Amended Complaint Filed
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Nov 22 2004
Second Supplemental Opposition to TDS's Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #1: Dispositive Motion
Nov 22 2004
Motion to Dismiss or in the Alternative Motion for Summary Judgment RE: Dreco's Claims Seeking Indemnification
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #38
Nov 23 2004
Substituted First Amended Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personl Jurisdiction; Motion for More Definite Statement; and Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State Claim
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #40
Nov 23 2004
Reply to Opposition to Motion for More Definite Statement
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 23 2004
National Oil-Well, Inc.'s Dreco, Inc.'s and Dreco Energy Services, Ltd.'s Substituted First Amended Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third-Party Complaint and Cross Claims------LODGED-----
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 23 2004
Order Granting stipulation for extension of time to respond to DRECO, Inc. Energy Services, LTD and National-Oilwell Inc.'s Motions to Dismiss
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #37: Stipulation
Nov 23 2004
Motion for Leave to File Substituted First Amended Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third-Party Complaint and Cross Claims
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #39
Nov 23 2004
Reply to Opposition to Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Nov 29 2004
Rimex's Answer to Plaintiffs' Third Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Dec 02 2004
Stipulation extension to 12/2/04 to file reply in support of TDS mtn for summary jdgmt
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff); Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #41
Dec 02 2004
Plaintiff's answers to counterclaims of Jones & TDS.
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            David K Gross (Attorney) on behalf of Adam R Corneliussen, Nabors alaska Drilling company, The underwriter Insurance company, Houston Casualty company, Agf marine Aviation transport, Assicurazioni g Aka generali global, Xl specialty Insurance company, Mutual Marine office, Sol Insurance ltd, Lloyd's Syndicate numbers, Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant), Adam R Corneliussen, Nabors alaska Drilling company, The underwriter Insurance company, Houston Casualty company, Agf marine Aviation transport, Assicurazioni g Aka generali global, Xl specialty Insurance company, Mutual Marine office, Sol Insurance ltd, Aegis Insurance services, Lloyd's Syndicate numbers, Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Dec 03 2004
Joinder of defendants/ Third-Party Plaintiffs TDS, Inc. and Rodney Jones in Bridgestone/ Firestone's Partial Opposition to plaintiffs' Motion to Amend Complaint
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Dec 03 2004
Order Granting Stipulation for extension of time
            Order denying motion for a more definite statement
            Case Motion #41: Stipulation
Dec 06 2004
Motion for Continuance of Trial Date and Pretrial Deadlines, and Seriatim Expert Disclosures and Reports
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #42
Dec 06 2004
Non-opposition to Motion for Leave to File Substituted First Amended Answer to Bridgestone/Firestone Third-Party Complaint and Cross-Claims
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #39: Standard Motion
Dec 06 2004
Defendants Bridgestone / Firestone's Opposition to Dreco Entities's Substituted Motion for More  Definite Statement
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
            Case Motion #40: Dispositive Motion
Dec 06 2004
Defendants Bridgestone / Firestone's Opposition to Dreco Entities' Substituted Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Dec 07 2004
Answer of Bridgestone / Firestone North American Tire, LLC (BFNT) And Bridgestone / Firestone Americas Holding, Inc. To Plaintiffs' Third Amended Complaint And Counterclaim of BFNT Against Plaintiffs
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Dec 08 2004
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Compel Mediation
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #43
Dec 08 2004
Motion to Compel Mediation
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #44
Dec 09 2004
Stipulation extension to 12/17/04, deft to file opp to pltf mtn dismiss/alternate summary jdgmt re: deft cross claim
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #45
Dec 09 2004
Sur-Reply to TDS's Reply to the Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Dec 09 2004
Motion to Reschedule Oral Arguments
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #46
Dec 09 2004
Order Granting Motion for Expedited Consideration
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #43: Expedited Motion
Dec 10 2004
Order Granting Motion
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #45: Stipulation
Dec 10 2004
Unopposed Motion to Permit Non-Resident Attorney, Bradley M. Whalen, to Appear and Participate Pro Hac Vice.
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #50
Dec 10 2004
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion for Extension of Expert Deadlines
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #47
Dec 10 2004
Motion for Extension of Expert Deadlines
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #48
Dec 10 2004
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Unopposed Motion to Permit Non-Resident Attorney to Appear and Participate Pro hac Vice
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #49
Dec 10 2004
Order Granting National-Oilwell, Inc.'s, Dreco, Inc.'s and Dreco Energy Services, LTD's Motion for Leave to File Substituted First Amended Answer
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #39: Standard Motion
Dec 10 2004
Columbia Corporation's Answer to Plaintiffs' Third Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Dec 13 2004
Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Mediation
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #44: Standard Motion
Dec 13 2004
Opposition to Motion for Extension of Expert Deadlines
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #48: Standard Motion
Dec 13 2004
Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Dec 13 2004
Columbia Corporation's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Mediation
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
            Case Motion #44: Standard Motion
Dec 13 2004
Order Granting Motion for Expedited Consideration
            Order Granting Motion for attorney to appear pro hac vice
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #49: Expedited Motion, Case Motion #50: Standard Motion
Dec 13 2004
Reply to Opposition to Motion to Compel Mediation
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #44: Standard Motion
Dec 14 2004
Order to modify nonroutine pretrial order
            Commission to Take out-of-state depositions and for the issuance of subpoenas duces tecum
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant); PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant); Then Chen (Third Party Defendant); PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd. (Third Party Defendant); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Dec 15 2004
Proposed Order Regarding Mediation
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #53
Dec 15 2004
Notice of Filing Proposed Orders
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Dec 15 2004
Proposed Order Rescheduling Oral Argument on Certain Motions
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #51
Dec 15 2004
Proposed Order Regarding Depostion Limits
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #52
Dec 15 2004
CD/Tape Duplication  Receipt: 65309  Date: 12/15/2004
Dec 17 2004
Motion to Strike answer of 3rd pty deft PTC Oil Field LTD
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
            Case Motion #55
Dec 20 2004
Application for Default as to Third party Defendant PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd
            John B. Thorsness (Attorney) on behalf of . B/f north american t (Defendant)
Dec 20 2004
Stipulation modify pretrial order
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant); PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant); Then Chen (Third Party Defendant); PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd. (Third Party Defendant); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant); TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #54
Dec 21 2004
Amended Certificate of Service for Entry of Default
            John B. Thorsness (Attorney) on behalf of . B/f north american t (Defendant)
Dec 21 2004
Amended Certificate of Service for Stipulation and Order Changinf Modified Pretrial Order
            John B. Thorsness (Attorney) on behalf of . B/f north american t (Defendant)
Dec 22 2004
Third Supplemental Opposition to TDS' Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Dec 22 2004
Motion to Permit the Filing of a Supplemental Opposition
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #58
Dec 22 2004
Motion for Civil Rule 56(f) Continuance to Conduct Discovery Prior to Responding to Third-party Defendants National-Oil Well, Inc.'s Dreco, Inc.'s and Dreco Energy Services, Ltd.'s Substituted First Amended Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #59
Dec 23 2004
Motion for Protective Order Against DRECO - Indemnification Material as to Other Third Party Defts and Other Unrelated Parties and Improper Use of the Rule 30(b)(6) Process to Obtain Documents
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #57
Dec 23 2004
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion for Protective Order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #56
Dec 27 2004
Sur-Reply and Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Dec 27 2004
Defendants TDS, Inc.'s And Rodney Jones' Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaims To Third Amended Complaint
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Dec 28 2004
Plaintiffs answers to counterclaims of Jones & TDS
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            David K Gross (Attorney) on behalf of Adam R Corneliussen, Nabors alaska Drilling company, The underwriter Insurance company, Houston Casualty company, Agf marine Aviation transport, Assicurazioni g Aka generali global, Xl specialty Insurance company, Mutual Marine office, Sol Insurance ltd, Aegis Insurance services, Lloyd's Syndicate numbers, Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant), Adam R Corneliussen, Nabors alaska Drilling company, The underwriter Insurance company, Houston Casualty company, Agf marine Aviation transport, Assicurazioni g Aka generali global, Xl specialty Insurance company, Mutual Marine office, Sol Insurance ltd, Aegis Insurance services, Lloyd's Syndicate numbers, Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Dec 28 2004
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            David K Gross (Attorney) on behalf of Adam R Corneliussen, Nabors alaska Drilling company, The underwriter Insurance company, Houston Casualty company, Agf marine Aviation transport, Assicurazioni g Aka generali global, Xl specialty Insurance company, Mutual Marine office, Sol Insurance ltd, Aegis Insurance services, Lloyd's Syndicate numbers, Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant), Adam R Corneliussen, Nabors alaska Drilling company, The underwriter Insurance company, Houston Casualty company, Agf marine Aviation transport, Assicurazioni g Aka generali global, Xl specialty Insurance company, Mutual Marine office, Sol Insurance ltd, Aegis Insurance services, Lloyd's Syndicate numbers, Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Dec 29 2004
Partial Joinder in Plaintiffs' First Motion and Memorandum for Protective Order Against Dreco
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
            Case Motion #57: Standard Motion
Jan 03 2005
Reply to Dreco's Opposition to Motion for Protective Order; Opposition to Dreco's Cross-Motion for Relief Pursuant to Alaska Rule of Civil Procedure 56(f)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #57: Standard Motion
Jan 03 2005
Notice of filing signed Affidavit - no affidavit attached.
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Jan 04 2005
Peak's Joinder in Plaintiff's Reply to Dreco's Opposition to Motion for Protective Order and Opposition to Dreco's Cross Motion for Relief Against Peak
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
            Case Motion #57: Standard Motion
Jan 04 2005
Response to Bridgestone/Firestone's Motion for Civil Rule 56(f) Continuance to Conduct Discovery Prior to Responding to Third-Party Defendants National-OilWell, Inc.'s, and Dreco Energy Services, LTD.'s Substituted First Amended Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #59: Standard Motion
Jan 04 2005
Rimex's Joinder In: Dreco's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Order Limiting the Number of Depositions
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Jan 05 2005
Motion for Expedited Consideration of Plaintiff's Motion to Limit Number of Depositions
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Case Motion #60
Jan 06 2005
Reply to Oppositions to Motion to Limit Number of Depositions
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Jan 06 2005
Notice of Filing Defendant Bridgestone/Firestone's Memorandum In Opposition To Plaintiff's Motion To Limit Number Of Depositions
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant)
Jan 07 2005
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Strike Firestone's Untimely Amendment of Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #61
Jan 07 2005
Order Requiring the parties to meet with Discovery Master Sanders
            Order Requiring Counsel for PTC Oil Field to file an Appearance and Answer
            Order Regarding Deposition Limits
            Order Regarding Mediation
            Order Rescheduling Oral Argument on Certain Motions
            Stipulation Regarding Date by Which DRECO will file its motion for Rule 56(f) Continuance or otherwise respond to the plaitniffs' motion for summary judgment
            Stipulation and Order Changing Modified Pretrial Order
            Order Granting Motion to Permit the Filing of a Supplemental Opposition
            Case Motion #51: Proposed  Order, Case Motion #52: Proposed  Order, Case Motion #53: Proposed  Order, Case Motion #54: Stipulation, Case Motion #56: Expedited Motion, Case Motion #57: Standard Motion, Case Motion #58: Standard Motion, Case Motion #59: Standard Motion, Case Motion #60: Expedited Motion
Jan 07 2005
Motion to Strike Firestone's Untimely Amendment of Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #62
Jan 10 2005
Stipulation re: Pending issues, motions.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Peak oil field (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant); PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant); Then Chen (Third Party Defendant); PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd. (Third Party Defendant); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant); TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #64
Jan 10 2005
TD's Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Pltfs' Motion to Limit Number of Depositions
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #63
Jan 10 2005
Opposition to Motion to Limit the Number of Depositions
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Jan 10 2005
Dreco's Reply in Support of Dreco's Cross-Motion to Compel and Dreco's Reply to the Plaintiffs' Opposition to Dreco's Rule 56(f) Motion
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #59: Standard Motion
Jan 10 2005
Reply to Dreco's Opposition to Motion to Limit Depositions Filed with the Discovery Master and State Court
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
Jan 11 2005
Columbia Corporation's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Limit The Number of Depositions
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
            Case Motion #52: Proposed  Order
Jan 11 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone's Opposition to Dreco's Motion to Strike Firestone's Untimely Amendment of Claims
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #62: Standard Motion
Jan 12 2005
Order Granting Expedited Consideration of Dreco's Motion to Strike Firestone's Untimely Amendment of Claims
            Order Denying Dreco's Motion to Strike Firestone's Untimely Amendment of Claims
            Order Regarding Stipulation regarding pending issues:
                 Dismissal of 3rd party complaints against National-Oilwell and Dreco
                 Withdrawal of Motions to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction
                 Rule 56(f) motion for continuance to conduct discovery is denied as moot
            Case Motion #38: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #40: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #59: Standard Motion, Case Motion #61: Expedited Motion, Case Motion #62: Standard Motion, Case Motion #63: Expedited Motion, Case Motion #64: Stipulation
Jan 12 2005
Motion to Strike or in the Alternative Surreply to Dreco's Reply to Opposition to Motion for Rule 56(f) Relief
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #65
Jan 18 2005
Dreco's Preliminary Witness List Filed By:
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Jan 18 2005
Amended Preliminary Witness List of Defendants Bridgestone/ Firestone North American Tire L.L.C., and Bridgestone / Firestone Americas Holding, Ind.
            Witness List Filed By:
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Jan 20 2005
Certified Copies (Case)  Receipt: 69438  Date: 01/20/2005
Jan 21 2005
Certified Copies (Case)  Receipt: 69601  Date: 01/21/2005
Jan 22 2005
Motion to be decided by Discovery Master Eric T. Sanders
            Case Motion #57: Standard Motion
Jan 24 2005
Motion for Order Granting Dismissal with Prejudice of Defendant Bridgestone/Firestone Americas Holding, Inc.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #66
Jan 25 2005
Order Granting Motion to Strike Answer of Third-Party Deft PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #55: Standard Motion
Jan 25 2005
Entry of Default Granted as to Third-Party Defendant PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Frank A. Pfiffner (Attorney) on behalf of . B/f north american t (Defendant)
Jan 26 2005
Order Granting Motion for Dismissal with Prejudice of Defendant Bridgestone/Firestone Americas Holding, Inc.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #66: Dispositive Motion
Jan 27 2005
Motion for Expedited Consideration of:  Moton to Vacate Current Trial Date or, Alternatively Modify the Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #67
Jan 27 2005
Motion to Vacate the Current Trial Date or, Alternatively Modify the Scheduling Order.
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #68
Jan 27 2005
DRECO'S Motion for Partial  Summary Judgment Regarding Claims for SPecial, Indirect, or Consequential Damages (Including, Without Limitation, Lost Profits and Business Interruption Damages)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #69
Jan 27 2005
DRECO'S Request for Oral Argument on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Regarding Claims for Special, Indirect, or Consequential Damages
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion
Jan 28 2005
Preliminary Opposition to the Plaintiffs' Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment (filed w/ Dreco's Motion for Summary Judgment as to Indemnity and Insurance)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #38: Dispositive Motion
Jan 28 2005
Dreco's (1) Motion for Summary Judgment as to Indemnity and Insurance; (2) Preliminary Opposition to the Plaintiffs' Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #72
Jan 28 2005
Dreco's Request for Oral Argument on Motion for Summary Judgment on its Cross Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion
Jan 28 2005
Joint Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Loss-of-Use Claims/Business Interruption Claims and Property Damage Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #71
Jan 28 2005
January 28, 2005, Supplement to Dreco's (1) Motion and to Vacate the Current Trial Date or Alternatively, (2) Motion and Memorandum to Modify the Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #70
Jan 31 2005
Opposition to Dreco's  Motion for Expedited Consideration of Its Motion to Vacate Trial Date
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #67: Expedited Motion
Feb 01 2005
Order Scheduling OA on Dreco's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Regarding Claims for Special, Indirect, or Consequential Damages. OA set for 3/16/05 at 3:30 p.m.
Feb 01 2005
Order Denying Motion for Expedited Consideration of Dreco's Motion to Vacate the current trial date, or, alternatively, to modify the scheduling order. Underlying motion will be decided in the normal course of business. 
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #67: Expedited Motion
Feb 01 2005
Rimex's Joinder In: Dreco's Motion to Vacate Trial Date
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 02 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone's Joinder in Dreco's Motion to Vacate Trial Date or Modify Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 02 2005
Unopposed Motion to Permit Non-Resident Attorney, Christopher N. Hackerman, to Appear and Participate Pro Hac Vice. 
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #74
Feb 02 2005
Motion for Order Granting Out-of-State Attorney Michael E. Ricketts Leave to Appear and Participate Pursuant to Civil Rule 81(a)(2)
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
            Case Motion #75
Feb 02 2005
Consent of Max N. Peabody to Appearance and Participation of Out-of-State Attorney Michael E. Ricketts Pursuant to Civil Rule 81(a)(2)
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Feb 02 2005
Errata to Dreco's (1) Motion for Summary Judgment as to Indemnity and Insurance; (2) Preliminary Opposition to the Plaintiffs' Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
Feb 02 2005
Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Permit Non-Resident Attorney to Appear and Participate
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #73
Feb 03 2005
Motion and Memorandum to Join in Joint Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Loss-of-Use Claims/Business Interruption Claims and Property Damage Claims
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
            Case Motion #76
Feb 03 2005
Order Granting Unopposed Motion to permit non-resident attorney, Christopher N. Hackerman, to appear and participate pro hac vice. Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #74: Standard Motion
Feb 03 2005
Order setting oral argument on Dreco's motion for summary judgment regarding cross claims.
Feb 03 2005
Order Granting Motion for expedited consideration of motion to permit non-resident attorney , Christopher N. Hackerman, to appear and participate pro hac vice. 
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #73: Expedited Motion
Feb 03 2005
February 3, 2005, Supplement to Dreco's (1) Motion and Memorandum to Vacate the Current Trial Date or Alternatively, (2) Motion and Memorandum to Modify the Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 03 2005
Order Granting Motion to allow out-of-state attorney Michael E. Ricketts leave to appear and participate pursuant to Civil Rule 81(a)(2).
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Case Motion #75: Standard Motion
Feb 04 2005
Plaintiff's Expert Witness List
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Feb 04 2005
Dreco's Response to the Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendant Bridgestone/Firestone's Motion for Leave to Propound Interrogatories and Motion to Compel Plaintiffs' Response to Interrogatories
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
Feb 04 2005
Motion to Dismiss Bridgestone/Firestone's, TDS', and Rodney Jones' Counter Claims Based on the Unfair Trade Pratices and Consumer Protection Act
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #78
Feb 04 2005
Stipulation for Extension of Time for Identification of Experts Related to Dreco's Cross-Claims Against Nabors
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . Dreco inc (Defendant); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #77
Feb 04 2005
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.'s Expert Witness List
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
Feb 04 2005
Expert Witness List of Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire L.L.C.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
Feb 04 2005
Peak Oilfield Services Company's Expert Witnesses Designation
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            Attorney: Reckmeyer, Peter R (0010061)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
Feb 04 2005
Dreco's Preliminary Expert Witness Identification
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Feb 04 2005
Preliminary Disclosure of Experts by Defendant Rimex
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Feb 04 2005
Second Amended Preliminary Witness List
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Feb 07 2005
Order Granting Stipulation for Extension of Time for Identification of Experts Related to Dreco's Cross-Claims Against Nabors.
            Case Motion #77: Stipulation
Feb 07 2005
Opposition to Dreco's  Motion to Vacate Trial Date, or in the Aletrnative, to Modify Scheduling order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 08 2005
Columbia Corporation's Expert  Witness List Filed By:
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Feb 08 2005
Defendant TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Expert Witness List
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Selmann, Marja E (9810048)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Feb 09 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone's Reply in Support of Dreco's Motion to Vacate Trial Date or to Modify the Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 09 2005
Errata to Opposition to Dreco's Motion to Vacate Trial Date, or, in the Alternative, to Modify Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 10 2005
Opposition to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Regarding Claims for Business Interruption Damages & Memorandum in Support of Cross Motion to Strike the Attached Deposition Testimony of Chuck Madeley
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #71: Dispositive Motion
Feb 10 2005
Cross Motion to Strike the Attached Deposition Testimony of Chuck Madeley
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #79
Feb 11 2005
Rimex's Notice Re: Ripe Motions (For Possible Decision at February 17, 2005 Hearing)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
Feb 11 2005
Dreco's Reply to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Dreco's Motion to Vacate Trial Date, or, in the Alternative, to Modify Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 11 2005
Notice Regarding Pendings Motions
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
Feb 11 2005
Amended Certificate of Service
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant)
Feb 11 2005
Dreco's Request to Reschedule Oral Argument on its 12(b)(6) Motion for to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim Upon Which Relief Can be Granted
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #80
Feb 11 2005
Dreco's Request for Oral Argument on (1) Motion to Vacate the Current Trial Date, or Alternatively, (2) Motion to Modify the Scheduling Order
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion, Case Motion #70: Standard Motion
Feb 14 2005
Defendant Bridgestone / Firestone's Memorandum in Opposition to Dreco's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment 
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion
Feb 14 2005
Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motion for Partial Summary Judgment As to Loss of Use / Business Interrumption and Property Damage Claims.
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #71: Dispositive Motion
Feb 14 2005
Reply to Opposition to Nabors' Motion for Summary Judgment Re: Dreco's Cross Claims Seeking Indemnification
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #72: Dispositive Motion
Feb 14 2005
Dreco's Request for Oral Argument on the Joint Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to Plaintiffs' Loss-of-Use Claims/Business Interruption Claims and Property Damage Claims
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
Feb 14 2005
Rimex's Reply (Opposition) Re: Motion to Vacate Trial Date (or in the Alternative to Modify Scheduling Order)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #68: Standard Motion
Feb 15 2005
Motion to Permit the Filing of a Surreply RE: Motion to Vacate Trial Date
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #81
Feb 16 2005
Bridgestone Firestone's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant)
            Case Motion #78: Dispositive Motion
Feb 17 2005
Notice of Motion Taken Under Advisement
            Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Feb 17 2005
Rimex's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to File Sur-Reply
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #81: Standard Motion
Feb 18 2005
CD/Tape Duplication  Receipt: 72963  Date: 02/18/2005
Feb 18 2005
Non-Opposed Motion Extension to 2/25/05 to File Joint Reply to Nabors Opp and Fireston Opp to Mtn for Partial Sm Jdgmt Interruption Damages
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #82
Feb 22 2005
Defendant's TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Motion for Leave to File an Amended Expert Witness List
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Case Motion #83
Feb 22 2005
Stipulation for Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Opp to Defendant's Joint Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #84
Feb 22 2005
Non-Opposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply to Plaintiff's Opposition to Dreco's cross motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #85
Feb 22 2005
Defendants TDS, Inc's and Rodney Jones' Amended Expert Witness List Filed By:(lodged)
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff)
Feb 22 2005
Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss Bridgeston/Firestone's Counterclaims
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #78: Dispositive Motion
Feb 23 2005
CD/Tape Duplication  Receipt: 73163  Date: 02/23/2005
Feb 23 2005
Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Reply Brief
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
            Case Motion #86
Feb 23 2005
Order Granting Non-opposed Motion for extension of time
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #82: Stipulation
Feb 24 2005
Order Granting DRECO's non-opposed Motion for Extension of time
            Order Granting Stipulation for Extension of Time
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #84: Stipulation, Case Motion #85: Stipulation
Feb 25 2005
Motion to Strike Affidavit of Laura Doerre
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #89
Feb 25 2005
Reply to Firestones and Plaintiffs Oppositions to Drecos Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Regarding Claims for Lost Profits and Business Interruption Damages and Opposition to Plaintiffs Cross-Motion to Strike the Attached Deposition of Chuck Madeley
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #79: Standard Motion
Feb 25 2005
TDS's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Dismiss Counterclaims Based On The Consumer Proptection Act
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Selmann, Marja E (9810048)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
            Case Motion #78: Dispositive Motion
Feb 25 2005
Notice of Filing Photocopied Affidavit Of Roman Konowalec
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Feb 25 2005
Motion to Strike Plaintiffs Third Amended Complaint Allegations Against Rimex
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #88
Feb 25 2005
Motion for Summary Judgment Against Third-Party Claims Filed by Bridgestone/Firestone  & Jones
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #87
Feb 28 2005
Non-Opposed Motion and Memorandum for Extension of Time to File Reply to Nabor's Opposition to Dreco's cross motion on Dreco's cross-claims for Idemnification
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
            Case Motion #90
Mar 01 2005
Notice of Filing Original Affidavit of Roman Konowalec
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Mar 01 2005
Reply in Support of Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment on Indemnity and Insurance
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant)
Mar 02 2005
Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss TDS' and Jones' Counterclaims
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #78: Dispositive Motion
Mar 02 2005
Order Granting Dreco's Nonopposed Motion and Memorandum for Extension of Time
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #90: Stipulation
Mar 03 2005
Order Denying and Granting Motion for Summary Judgment regarding TDS' & Jones
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Case Motion #28: Dispositive Motion
Mar 03 2005
Opposition to Motion to Strike Affidavit of Laura Doerre
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Garner, Max D (9011096)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #89: Standard Motion
Mar 03 2005
Notice of Filing
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
Mar 03 2005
Order Granting Motion to Permit the Filing of a Surreply Re: Motion to Vacate Trial Date
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #81: Standard Motion
Mar 04 2005
Plaintiffs' and BPXA's Disclosure to Expert Witness Reports
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
Mar 04 2005
Motion for Partial Summary Judgment or in the Alternative, for Order Permitting Rimex to Assert UTPA Counterclaims
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Rimex Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #92
Mar 04 2005
Reply in Support of Motion to Strike Affidavit Testimony of Charles Madeley
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #79: Standard Motion
Mar 04 2005
Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs Additional Claims for Special, Indirect, or Consequential Damages
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #91
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Mar 07 2005
Opposition to Rimex's  Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' Third Amended Complaint Allegations Against Rimex
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #88: Standard Motion
Mar 08 2005
Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion to Strike the Deposition Testimony of Charles Madeley
            Order Granting Defendant TDS, Inc and Rodney Jones Motion to Allow Filing of Amended Expert Witness List
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Case Motion #79: Standard Motion, Case Motion #83: Standard Motion
Mar 09 2005
Order Granting Motion for Permission to File Over-length reply brief
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Case Motion #86: Standard Motion
Mar 09 2005
Dreco's Supplemental Brief for its Appeal (Lodged)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Mar 09 2005
Motion to Accept Late Filed Notice of Appeal re: Discovery Master's Order
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #93
Mar 09 2005
Joint Notice of Appeal and Supplemental Briefing (Lodged)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Mar 09 2005
Dreco's Notice of Appeal of Two Rulings Made by Discovery Master on Plaintiff's January 28, 2005 Motion to Compel and Dreco's February 10, 2005 Motion for Protection and Opposition to the Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel (Lodged)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant)
Mar 15 2005
Supplemental Filing In Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motion for Partial Summary Judgment As to Damages
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #71: Dispositive Motion
Mar 15 2005
Notice of Clarification
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            Attorney: Reckmeyer, Peter R (0010061)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
Mar 15 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone's Opposition to BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc's  Motion for Summary Judgment 
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
            Case Motion #87: Dispositive Motion
Mar 15 2005
Plaintiff's Response to Dreco's Notice of Appeal
            Plaintiff's Response to Dreco's Joint Notice of Appeal
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
Mar 16 2005
Identification of Five Dreco Employees (Submitted to Discovery Master and Court)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
Mar 16 2005
Preliminary Opposition to Dreco's March 4th., 2005 Motion for Summary Judgment on Claims for Special, Indirect or Consequential Damages
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Garner, Max D (9011096)
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion, Case Motion #91: Dispositive Motion
Mar 17 2005
Supplemental Filing in Support of Dreco's Motions for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #72: Dispositive Motion
Mar 17 2005
Protective Order for Dreco Confidential - Attorney's Eyes Only Information
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
Mar 17 2005
CD/Tape Duplication  Receipt: 76345  Date: 03/17/2005
Mar 17 2005
Motion to Delay Oral Argument on the Motion for Summary Judgment on Indemnity and Dreco's Contractual Motion on Lost Profits
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #94
Mar 17 2005
Pl.'s Supplemental Opposition to Dreco's Cross-Motion for Summ. J. Re: Indemnification
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); David K Gross (Attorney) on behalf of Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Timothy J. Petumenos (Attorney) on behalf of Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #72: Dispositive Motion
Mar 22 2005
TDS & Jones' Opposition to BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.'s Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Rodney Jones (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant)
            Case Motion #87: Dispositive Motion
Mar 22 2005
Defendant Bridgestone / Firestone's Memorandum In Opposition to dreco's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment 
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant)
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion
Mar 22 2005
Order Denying Motion to strike plaintiffs' third amended complaint allegations against rimex
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #88: Standard Motion
Mar 24 2005
Order Granting Dreco's Motion to Accept Notice of Appeal
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #93: Standard Motion
Mar 29 2005
Non-Opposed Motion For Continued "Stand Down"
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #95
Mar 30 2005
Order Granting Unopposed Motion for continued "stand down"
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #95: Stipulation
Mar 31 2005
Order Granting Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Claims for Special, Indirect, or Consequential Damages
            Case Motion #69: Dispositive Motion
Mar 31 2005
Order Denying Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Re: Loss of Use/Business Interruption and Property Damage Claims
            Case Motion #71: Dispositive Motion
Mar 31 2005
Order Denying Plaintiffs' 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Alaska UTPA Counterclaims
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #78: Dispositive Motion
Apr 04 2005
Order issued - while "stand down" is in effect, parties are not required to file response to any pending motions
Apr 07 2005
Second Non-Opposed Motion For Continued: Stand Down
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); David K Gross (Attorney) on behalf of The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff)
            Case Motion #96
Apr 08 2005
Order Granting Unopposed Motion to continue stand-down until April 25, 2005
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #96: Stipulation
Apr 18 2005
Notice of Dismissal of TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Third-Party Complaint Against Dreco, Inc., National Oilwell Incorporated, and Dreco Energy Services, Ltd.
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Selmann, Marja E (9810048)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant)
Apr 18 2005
Notice of Dismissal of TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Third-Party Complaint Against Peak Oil Field Services Company
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Selmann, Marja E (9810048)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant); PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant); TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff)
Apr 18 2005
Order Of Consolidation 3AN-03-9515CI INTO With 3AN-03-3558CI
Apr 20 2005
Consolidated Reply in Support of BPXA's Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Garner, Max D (9011096)
            BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #87: Dispositive Motion
Apr 21 2005
Notice of Change of Firm Name
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            Attorney: Reckmeyer, Peter R (0010061)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant)
Apr 21 2005
Joint Motion for Third Continuance of "Stand Down"
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); . Peak oil field (Defendant); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant); Tds Inc. (Defendant); Columbia Corporation (Defendant); Rimex Inc. (Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant)
            Case Motion #97
Apr 26 2005
Request for Oral Argument by Defendant & Third-Party Plalintiff for motion for Summary Judgment
            Case Motion #87: Dispositive Motion
Apr 27 2005
Errata Re: To BPX'a Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment
Apr 29 2005
Non-Opposed Motion Fourth Continuance of "Stand Down"
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #98
May 03 2005
Order Granting Fourth Unopposed Motion for Continued "Stand Down"
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Case Motion #98: Stipulation
May 03 2005
Stipulation re: Dismissal of Certain Mtns and Claims
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); . Dreco inc (Defendant);
May 19 2005
Opposition to RIMEX's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' UTPA Claims Against RIMEX
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #92: Dispositive Motion
May 20 2005
Notice of Appeal Regarding Order to Produce Trade Secrets
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
May 20 2005
Dreco's Reply to Firestone's Opposition to Dreco's March 4, 2005 Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
May 20 2005
Notice of Appeal from March 14 Decisions of the Discovery Master and Supplemental Briefing
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
May 20 2005
Opposition to Dreco's Supplemental Motion for Summary Judgment Dated March 4, 2005
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant);
May 20 2005
Dreco's Supplemental Brief in Support of its Appeal Regarding Order to Produce Trade Secrets
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
May 25 2005
Dreco's Request for Oral Argument on Appeals from Discovery Master Orders
            Case Motion #94: Standard Motion
May 26 2005
Dreco's Notice of Appeal Regarding May 23, 2005 and Supplemental Briefing
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
May 26 2005
Notice of Change of Firm Name and Address
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
May 26 2005
Dreco's Request for Oral Argument on Appeal from Discovery Master's May 23, 2005 Orders
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
May 27 2005
Response to Dreco's Notice of Appeal and Dreco's Supplemental Brief Regarding Order to Produce Trade Secrets
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #93: Standard Motion
May 31 2005
Dreco's Reply to Plaintiffs' and Firestone's Oppositions to Dreco's March 4, 2005 Motion for Summary Judgment
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
            Case Motion #91: Dispositive Motion
May 31 2005
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
Jun 01 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire LLC's Response to Dreco's Notice of Appeal and Dreco's Supplemental Brief Regarding Order to Produce Trade Secrets
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant);
            Case Motion #93: Standard Motion
Jun 03 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone's Response to Dreco's Notice of Appeal Regarding May 23, 2005 Discovery Master Rulings
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant);
Jun 06 2005
Order Granting Motion for Frank G. Mazgaj to appear and participate pro hac vice
            (Motion not entered into motion tracking)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A. (7505032)
Jun 07 2005
Columbia's Response to Dreco's Notice of Appeal Regarding May 23, 2005 Decisions of the Discovery Master
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant);
Jun 08 2005
Request for Oral Argument on Dreco's March 4, 2005 Moiton for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Additional Claims for Special, Indirect or Consequential Damages
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
            Case Motion #91: Dispositive Motion
Jun 09 2005
Nabors' Appellate Memorandum in Support of Motion for Protective Order (Appeal of 6/7/05 Discovery Master Ruling)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
Jun 09 2005
Notice of Filing: Pleadings that Dreco previously filed with the Discovery Master
            Attorney: Filippi, Lea E (0011074)
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
Jun 09 2005
Motion of Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire LLC, TDS, Inc. and Rodney Jones to Dismiss Their Third Party Claims against BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #99
Jun 09 2005
Ruling on Various Appeals from Orders of the Discovery Master
Jun 09 2005
Order Setting Oral Argument on Dreco's March 4, 2005 Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Additional Claims for Special, Indirect, or Consequential Damages
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            Case Motion #91: Dispositive Motion
Jun 09 2005
Notice of Filing Materials Assoc. with Pl.'s Appeal of 6/7/05 Discovery Master Ruling (1. Opp. to Mot. to Compel Waiver of Confid. and Cross-Mot. for Prot. Ord., 2) Exped. Mot. for Prot. Ord. Prohib. Depos, and 3) Rep. in Supp. Mot. for Prot. Ord.)
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
Jun 13 2005
Notice of filing: (filed in chambers 6/9/05) Defendant B/F's Memorandum in Opposition to BP's Expedited Motion for Protective Order Prev. Deps and Reply to Nabor's Opposition to Motion Compel Waiver of Confid. and Opposition to Cross Motion for Protective Order.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
Jun 17 2005
Affidavit of John R. Chlysta
Jun 17 2005
Affidavit of Frank A. Pfiffner
Jun 17 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone's Submission of Documentation of Attorney's Fees Pursuant to the Court's Order of June 8, 2005
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
Jun 20 2005
Dreco's Notice of Appeal Regarding June 15, 2005 Ruling By the Discover Master Relating to Deposition Preparation Questions
            Attorney: Givens, Jon T (9011072)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant);
Jun 20 2005
Notice of Filing Documentation of Fees and Costs Pursuant to the Court's June 8, 2005 Order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
Jun 20 2005
Notice of Filing (Proposed) Second Order to Modify Nonroutine Pretrial Order
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
Jun 22 2005
Non-opposition to Mtn Dismiss Third Pty Claims as to BP Exploration Inc.
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #99: Dispositive Motion
Jun 23 2005
Final Judgment on Behalf of Defendant BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc., issued pursuant to Non-Opposed Motion to Dismiss 3rd Party Claims Against BP, granted by Court on 6/23/05.
Jun 23 2005
Order Granting Motion by B/F, TDS, and Jones to Dismiss their 3rd Party Claims against BP
            Case Motion #99: Dispositive Motion
Jun 24 2005
Order Awarding Attorneys Fees to B/F for Defense of Discovery Master Appeals
Jun 24 2005
Order Awarding Fees and Costs to Plaintiff for Defense of Discovery Master Appeals
Jun 27 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone's Opposition to Dreco's Notice of Appeal Regarding June 15, 2005 Ruling by the Discoivery Master Relating to Deposition Preparation Questions.
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
Jun 27 2005
Stipulation Dismissal as to Rimex Inc Only
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Rimex Inc. (Defendant); National Oilwell Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant); Then Chen (Third Party Defendant); PTC Oil Field Contracting & Service, Ltd. (Third Party Defendant); BP Exploration (Alaska) inc. (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #100
Jun 28 2005
Order to Modify NonRoutine Pretrial Order
Jun 28 2005
Order Granting "Stipulated Dismissal of All Claims Against Rimex, Inc." (and noting that Rimex's pending motion for summary judgment is denied as moot")
            Case Motion #100: Stipulated Dismissal of All Claims Against Rimex, Inc.
            Case Motion #92: Dispositive Motion (Rimex's pending motion for summary judgment, denied as moot).
Jun 28 2005
Columbia's Response to Dreco's Motion to Compell Production of Trade Secret Documents
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Columbia Corporation (Defendant);
Jun 29 2005
Order Re: Dreco's Appeal From the Discovery Master's June 15, 2005 Ruling
Jun 30 2005
Motion of Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire LLC to Dismiss its Third Party Claims Against Peak Oil Field Service Company
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant);
            Case Motion #101
Jul 05 2005
Proposed Order (re: Attorney's Fees)
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant);
            Case Motion #102
            Linked to Bridgestone/Firestone's Submission of Documentation of Attorey's Fees Pursuant to the Court's Order of June 29, 2005
Jul 05 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone's Submission of Documentation of Attorney's Fees Pursuant to the Court's Order of June 29, 2005
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
Jul 07 2005
Notice of Appearance (Association of Additional Counsel for Dreco)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant); Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant); Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
Jul 08 2005
Order Granting Attorney's Fees incurred by B/F in opposing Dreco's Appeal of the Discovery Master's June 15, 2005 Ruling
            Case Motion #102: Proposed  Order
Jul 11 2005
Notice of Dismissal of TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Third-Party Complaint Against Then Chen
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Selmann, Marja E (9810048)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant);
Jul 11 2005
Notice of Dismissal of TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Thrid-Party Complaint Against Peak Oil Field Services Company
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Selmann, Marja E (9810048)
            TDS INC (Third Party Plaintiff); Rodney Jones (Third Party Plaintiff);
Jul 13 2005
Non-opposition to Mtn Voluntary dismissal of Third Party Claims
            Attorney: Reckmeyer, Peter R (0010061)
            PEAK OILFIELD SVC CO (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #101: Dispositive Motion
Jul 19 2005
Order Granting Motion by B/F N.A. Tire LLC to Dismiss its Third Party Claims Against Peak Oil Field Company
            Case Motion #101: Dispositive Motion
Jul 21 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire LLC's Motion to Add Jack Loar, Gary Smith and Larry Ross to its Primary Witness List as Potential Witnesses
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #103
Jul 22 2005
Motion to Appear and Participate Pro Hac Vice
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #104
Jul 22 2005
Bridgstone / Firestone's Notice of Withdrawal of Expert Witnesses
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
Jul 28 2005
Order Granting Motion for Dennis Kiker to appear pro hac vice
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            Case Motion #104: Standard Motion
Jul 28 2005
Peak Oilfield Service Company's Motion for Rule 54(b) Final Judgment
            Attorney: Torgerson, James (8509120)
            Attorney: Reckmeyer, Peter R (0010061)
            . Peak oil field (Defendant);
            Case Motion #105
Jul 28 2005
Defendants TDS, Inc.'s and Rodney Jones' Notice of Withdrawal of Expert Witness
            Attorney: Hoffman, Jonathan M (8902006)
            Attorney: Thorp, Justin M (0412101)
            Tds Inc. (Defendant); Rodney Jones (Defendant);
Aug 04 2005
Dreco's Notice of Withdrawal of Expert Witnesses
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
Aug 05 2005
Dreco's Motion for Summary Judgment re: Exclusive Remedy
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
            Case Motion #106
Aug 05 2005
CD/Tape Duplication  Receipt: 97255  Date: 08/05/2005
Aug 10 2005
Bridgestone/Fireston's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Respect to Nabor's Negligence
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #107
Aug 11 2005
Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Memorandum
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #108
Aug 11 2005
Bridgstone/Firestone's Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiff's UTPCPA Claims
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #109
Aug 12 2005
Order Granting Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Memorandum (B/F's Mem Supp Partial Summ J with Respect to Nabors' Negligence, filed 8/10/05)
Aug 12 2005
Final Judgment on behalf of Third Party Defendant Peak Oilfield Service Company, pursuant to Peak's Motion for Rule 54(B) Final Judgment
Aug 16 2005
Order Granting B/F's Motion to Add Jack Loar, Gary Smith and Larry Ross to its Preliminary Witness List
            Case Motion #103: Standard Motion
Aug 16 2005
Order Granting B/F's Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Memorandum in Support of its Mot Summ J on Pl.'s UTPA Claims
            Case Motion #108: Standard Motion
Aug 17 2005
Motion for Extension of Time for Opposing Dispositive Motions until the Close of Schedules Expert Depositions, or September 26, 2005
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #110
Aug 18 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone's Opposition to Dreco's Motion for Summary Judgment RE: Exclusive Remedy
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #106: Dispositive Motion
Aug 24 2005
Dreco's Motion for Reversal of Paragraph 4 of Discovery master's August 19, 2005 Order (Preventing discovery of Firestone's Rubber Compounds and Formulas, in Anticipatio of "Issue Preclusion" Order from this Court Later)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
            Case Motion #113
Aug 24 2005
Notice of Appeal of August 19, 2005 Discovery Master Order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff);
Aug 24 2005
Dreco's Notice RE: Reply Briefing Schedule
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Dreco Inc. (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #106: Dispositive Motion
Aug 24 2005
Supplemental Pleading in Support of Notice of Appeal of August 19, 2005 Discovery Master Order
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
Aug 24 2005
Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Brief (re: Dreco's Motion for Reversal of Paragraph 4 of Discovery Master's August 19, 2005 Order)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            . Dreco inc (Defendant);
            Case Motion #111
Aug 25 2005
Motion of Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire LLC to Dismiss its Third Party Claims Against Then Chen
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #112
Aug 29 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone's Opposition to Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Dispositive Motions
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #110: Standard Motion
Aug 31 2005
Motion for Status Conference
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #115
Aug 31 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire, LLC's Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Brief
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #114
Aug 31 2005
Bridgestone / Firestone North American Tire, LLC's Response to Plaintiffs' and Dreco's Motions for Reversal of Paragraph 4 of Discovery Master's August 19, 2005 Order
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #113: Standard Motion
Aug 31 2005
Order Re: Dreco's March 4, 2005 Mot Summ J on Plaintiffs' Additional Claims for Special, Indirect, or Consequential Damages
            Case Motion #91: Dispositive Motion
Aug 31 2005
Order Granting Dreco's Motion for Permission to file over-length brief in support of its motion for reversal of Paragraph 4 of Discovery Master's August 19, 2005 Order
            Case Motion #111: Standard Motion
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Insurance services, Aegis as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Drilling comp, Nabors alaska as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Insurance ltd, Sol as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Marine office, Mutual as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Insurance company, Xl specialty as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Aka generali global, Assicurazioni g as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Aviation transport, Agf marine as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Casualty company, Houston as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Insurance company, The underwriter as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Corneliussen, Adam R as of 09/01/2005
Sep 01 2005
Attorney Information
            Attorney Kent, Daniel C representing Plaintiff Syndicate numbers, Lloyd's as of 09/01/2005
Sep 02 2005
Bridgestone/Firestone's Motion in Limine Regarding Tax-Valuation Evidence and Nabors' Participation and Admissions in Tax-Appeal and Valuation Process
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #117
Sep 02 2005
Motion for Permission to File Over-Length Memorandum
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);
            Case Motion #116
Sep 06 2005
Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Dispositive Motions
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
            Case Motion #110: Standard Motion
Sep 08 2005
Stipulation Extension to 9/23/05 to Respond to Mtn In Limine Tax Valuation, Nabors Participation, Tax Appeal
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant);
            Case Motion #118
Sep 08 2005
Order on plaintiffs' motion for extension of time to respond to dispositive motions, time is tolled until the close of scheduled expert depositions
            Case Motion #110: Standard Motion
Sep 12 2005
Order Denying Plaintiffs' and Dreco's Appeal and Motion for Reversal of Paragraph 4 of Discovery Master's August 19, 2005 Order
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Case Motion #113: Standard Motion
Sep 12 2005
Order Granting Stipulation for Extension to 9/23/05 to Respond to Motion in Limine Tax Valuation
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Case Motion #118: Stipulation
Sep 12 2005
Dreco's Motion for Attorney Fees
            Attorney: Weiss, Pamela (0305022)
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #119
Sep 13 2005
Dreco's Nineteenth Supplemental Disclosure
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
Sep 15 2005
Non-opposition to B/F North Am Tire Dismissal as to T. Chen
            Attorney: Pro per (0100001)
            Then Chen (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #112: Standard Motion
Sep 16 2005
Opposition to dreco Mtn Attorney Fees and Cross Mtn Attorney Fees
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant);
            Case Motion #119: Standard Motion
Sep 16 2005
Stipulation Dismissal as to Columbia Corp, Only, With Prejudice
            Attorney: Peabody, Max N. (7410098)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); Columbia Corporation (Defendant);
            Case Motion #120
Sep 16 2005
Notice of Filing Scanned Copy
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff);
Sep 19 2005
Motion for Attorney Fees: Cross Mtn: Contained in Opp to Dreco Mtn Atty Fees
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant);
            Case Motion #121
Sep 19 2005
Order Granting Stipulation for dismissal as to Columbia Corp. only, with prejudice
            Case Motion #120: Stipulation
Sep 20 2005
Plaintiffs' Response to Dreco's Motion for Attorney Fees
            Attorney: Petumenos, Timothy J. (7611147)
            Attorney: Gross, David K (9611065)
            Attorney: Kent, Daniel C (0111067)
            Case Motion #119: Standard Motion
Sep 20 2005
Order Granting Motion for Status Conference
            Case Motion #115: Standard Motion
Sep 20 2005
Order Granting Motion by Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire LLC to Dismiss its Third Party Claims against Then Chen
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            Case Motion #112: Standard Motion
Sep 21 2005
Third-Party Defendant Dreco's Opposition to Bridgestone/Firestone's Cross-Motion for Attorney's Fees
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #121: Standard Motion
Sep 21 2005
Dreco's Reply re: Bridgestone/Firestone's Opposition to Dreco's Motion for Attorney's Fees and Cross-Motion for Attorney's Fees
            Attorney: Nave, Michael K (8907044)
            Dreco Energy Services, LTD. (Third Party Defendant);
            Case Motion #119: Standard Motion
Sep 22 2005
Stipulation Extension to 9/28/05 to Respond to B/F's Mtn In Linime: Tax Valuation Evidence
            Attorney: Garner, Max D (9011096)
            Adam R Corneliussen (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling company (Plaintiff); The underwriter Insurance company (Plaintiff); Houston Casualty company (Plaintiff); Agf marine Aviation transport (Plaintiff); Assicurazioni g Aka generali global (Plaintiff); Xl specialty Insurance company (Plaintiff); Mutual Marine office (Plaintiff); Sol Insurance ltd (Plaintiff); Aegis Insurance services (Plaintiff); Lloyd's Syndicate numbers (Plaintiff); Nabors alaska Drilling comp (Plaintiff); . B/f north american t (Defendant); . B/f americas holding (Defendant); Bridgestone/fir Off road tire co. (Defendant);
            Case Motion #122
Sep 22 2005
Brigestone/Firestone's Submitssion of Documentation of Attorney's Fees Pursuant to the Order Setting Procedure for Discovery Master, Dated February 5, 2004
            Attorney: Pfiffner, Frank A (7505032)
            . B/f north american t (Defendant);