Follow-Up - Physical Recheck
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
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No violations |
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
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Observed the chemically sanitizing dishwasher was not distributing enough sanitizer during the rinse cycle. A staff member was able to fix the supply tube to make the sanitizer distribute properly. The sanitizer line appeared to have air in the line that caused a blockage. Sanitizer test strips should be used at the beginning of daily operations to verify if the dishwasher is sanitizing properly. The owner quickly trained staff on how to check if the dishwasher is adequately mixing the sanitizer to a concentration of 50-100 ppm with chlorine sanitizer test strips. |
Follow-Up - LOC
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
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No violations |
Complaint - General
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
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Owner stated they need more time to study for their Certified Food Protection Manager Certification. Operator stated the exam proctor will be out of town until July. Owner will send exam registration confirmation to Alex.Carlson@Alaska.Gov. |
Follow-Up - Physical Recheck
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
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Owner has not yet passed exam for the Certified Food Protection Manager Certification (CFPMC). They stated they are ready to take the CFPM exam and and will register as soon as the point of contact at the University of Alaska Sitka is back in town on April 25th. |
Complaint - General
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
Follow-Up - Physical Recheck
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
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Observed improper cooling of potentially hazardous foods. Refried beans, located in the refrigerator were cooked yesterday had an internal temperature of 49F. The beans seen in a 4 inch hotel pan and filled to the top. We discussed cooling procedures of cooling from 135F-70F in two hours and then continuing cooling food from 70F-41F or below with in the next four hours. The owner voluntarily discarded the beans. The owner was able to show me that they have cooling wands and shallow hotel pans to help cool. They explained they will use these items next time they need to cool foods. |
Inspector Comments |
Observed facility did not have a designated staff member appointed as a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM). The owner was aware that they are required to have one. Owner stated they can certify for CFPM by February 22, 2023. |
Inspector Comments |
Observed staff removing and relocating the handwashing station soap to the dishwashing sink to use on dishes. I explained, when there is not any soap available at the handwashing station it will not promote proper handwashing procedures. The owner was aware how improper handwashing can lead to the spread of germs and cause illness. The owner quickly was able to stock the handwashing station with its own hand soap. |
Follow-Up - Physical Recheck
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
236 Lincoln ST STE 107 Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
Observed inside the refrigerator, two 3 inch deep hotel pans of re-fried beans; cooked earlier the morning of the inspection. Internal temperature at 04:45 PM was 48F. Owner stated the re-fried beans finished cooking at 10:00 AM this morning and where left out for a few hours. Owner stated that they were not present at the time the beans were prepared/cooked. Discussed with owner that foods need to cool from 135F to 70F in two hours and then 70F to 41F or below in four hours. Explained that temperature between 41F and 135F is a zone that can be ideal for pathogenic growth that can lead to food borne illnesses. Owner agreed to and discarded refried beans. Owner stated they do have a food thermometer and agreed to train their employees in the future. EHO will send cooling logs for operators to utilize. |
Inspector Comments |
There was not an appointed staff member with a Certified Food Protection Managers Certification (CFPMC). Owner stated that they currently had a change of management last January and that the previous CFPMC had left the business. Owner agreed to attend the next CFPMC course this Month on 03/30/22. EHO will send upcoming CFPMC course information via email. |
Inspector Comments |
At the time of inspection observed that there was an employee operating on the food prep line that did not posses a food worker card. Employee was hired over two months ago. I explained that new hires have 30 days to acquire a food worker card. Discussed with owner that it is important to receive a food worker card to gain knowledge about how to safety prepare and handle food. Also this can help eliminate the spread of food borne illnesses. Owner stated that they can help the employee test online later tonight. Please send proof of food worker card to Alex.Carlson@Alaska.Gov |
Inspector Comments |
At the time of inspection observed that the chemically sanitizing dishwasher was not yielding any pH level of chlorine sanitizer, that it is supplied with. Discussed with owner that because there is not a sanitizing step being accomplished inside dishwasher food contact surfaces are not being properly cleaned and sanitized. Owner stated that the last time the dishwasher had been serviced by a technician was November 2021. Recommended with owner to wash and rinse dishware and equipment in the dishwasher but then utilizing compartment in the 3 compartment sink to sanitize. Owner was able to find Steramine sanitizing tablets. We were able to achieve a 200-400 PPM sanitizing solution. Owner stated it may take a couple weeks to have dishwasher fixed by a technician. |