Inspector Comments |
Hand wash sink in kitchen was without soap and paper towels. upon informing of this I was told that the hand wash sink in the bar area was where staff washed their hands. It was located all the way across the building from the kitchen. It also had no hand soap or paper towels. A hand towel was located adjacent to the bars hand wash sink and was being used to dry hands. Manager placed soap and paper towels by both hand wash sinks. |
Inspector Comments |
The hand wash sink in the bar area was being used as a mop sink. Manager will cease dumping mop water in the handwash sink. |
Inspector Comments |
Dishwasher had no residual Chlorine after several times priming and running it. This was a repeat offense. Manager filled 3 comp sink with 100 PPM Chlorine solution to sanitize dishes after washing. Manager will not use the dishwasher for sanitizing until it can be repaired, and tested with non-expired chlorine test strips to prove it is operating between 50-100PPM residual Chlorine. |
Inspector Comments |
There is no Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) on staff at the facility. Having a CFPM involved in the daily operation of a food establishment ensures that staff are trained to operate in compliance with State of Alaska Food Code regulations. Manager will get certified as a CFPM within 30 days and will send a copy of the new certificate to |
Inspector Comments |
The menu does not have a consumer advisory for undercooked potentially hazardous menu items. Having a consumer advisory on the menu and at any point of selection for foods that can be ordered undercooked ensures that customers are warned of the increased risk of food born illness from consuming undercooked foods. Manager will print a new menu with a consumer advisory directly linked to foods that can be ordered undercooked by an asterisk*, within 30 days and will send a picture of the new menu to |