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TIMOTHY J ISAACSON is a Professional Corporation registed in Alaska. Founded in March 2020, with the entity number 10127405. The entity did not apply for any business licenses yet. Currently in Involuntarily Dissolved. TIMOTHY J ISAACSON has 2 key officers and 1 shareholder. The company participated in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) 1 time for a total amount of $20832.50.

Company Details

Entity Type: Professional Corporation

TIMOTHY J. ISAACSON, DDS, PC is structured as a Professional Corporation (PC), a special type of corporation designed for licensed professionals such as doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, and accountants. In Alaska, a Professional Corporation allows these licensed professionals to incorporate their practice while remaining subject to specific regulations governing their profession. Importantly, only licensed professionals may form and own shares in a PC. While it offers some corporate benefits, professionals remain personally accountable for their own professional negligence.
In Alaska, Professional Corporations are governed by regulations within Title 10, Chapter 45 – Professional Corporation Act, but also are affected by their professional governing boards.

Status: Involuntarily Dissolved

The 'Involuntarily Dissolved' status indicates that the state has forcibly terminated TIMOTHY J. ISAACSON, DDS, PC legal existence, usually due to failure to comply with specific legal requirements or obligations. This is a major red flag.

AK Formed Date: 26 Mar 2020 (5 years ago)
Duration: Perpetual
Entity Number: 10127405

The entity number, 10127405, is a unique identifier assigned by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to TIMOTHY J. ISAACSON, DDS, PC. This number can be used to verify the company's registration and access official records.

ZIP code: 99603
County: Kenai Peninsula
Home State: ALASKA
Entity Mailing Address: 4950 CLOVER LN, HOMER, AK 99603

Key Officers & Management

Name Role Shares
TIMOTHY ISAACSON Registered Agent -
TIMOTHY ISAACSON President, Previous Secretary, Shareholder, Previous Treasurer, Previous Vice President, Director, Incorporator 100.00

Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Number Loan Funded Date SBA Origination Office Code Loan Delivery Method Borrower Street Address
5251147205 2020-04-27 1084 PPP 4014 Lakes St Suite 210, Homer, AK, 99630
Loan Status Date 2021-04-10
Loan Status Paid in Full
Loan Maturity in Months 24
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 20832.5
Loan Approval Amount (current) 20832.5
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 518995
Servicing Lender Name Fund-Ex Solutions Group, LLC
Servicing Lender Address 10234 W. State Road 84, Davie, FL, 33324
Rural or Urban Indicator R
Hubzone N
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address Homer, BETHEL, AK, 99630-0001
Project Congressional District AK-
Number of Employees 1
NAICS code 621210
Borrower Race White
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Sole Proprietorship
Originating Lender ID 518995
Originating Lender Name Fund-Ex Solutions Group, LLC
Originating Lender Address Davie, FL
Gender Male Owned
Veteran Non-Veteran
Forgiveness Amount 21006.68
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-02-25

Date of last update: 15 Feb 2025

Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development