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SEA PARROT INN is a Limited Liability Company registed in Alaska. Founded in January 2009, with the entity number 119988, its principal address is 226 MAIN STREET, SELDOVIA, AK 99663. The main line of business of SEA PARROT INN is Accommodation and Food Services, confirmed by an Active business license in BED-AND-BREAKFAST INNS. Currently in Good Standing, SEA PARROT INN has been operating for 16 years. SEA PARROT INN has 3 key officers.

Company Details

Entity Type: Limited Liability Company

SEA PARROT INN, LLC is structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a common business structure that offers its members limited liability protection, separating their personal assets from the company's debts and obligations.
In Alaska, LLCs are governed by Title 10, Chapter 50 – Alaska Revised Limited Liability Company Act

Status: Good Standing

The 'Good Standing' status indicates that SEA PARROT INN, LLC is fully compliant with state regulations, has filed all required reports, paid necessary fees and taxes, and maintained a registered agent. This is a positive indicator of the company's operational health and adherence to legal requirements.

AK Formed Date: 05 Jan 2009 (16 years ago)
Duration: Perpetual
Entity Number: 119988

The entity number, 119988, is a unique identifier assigned by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to SEA PARROT INN, LLC. This number can be used to verify the company's registration and access official records.

ZIP code: 99663
County: Kenai Peninsula
Home State: ALASKA
Entity Physical Address: 226 MAIN STREET, SELDOVIA, AK 99663
Entity Mailing Address: 7320 OLD HARBOR AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, AK 99504

Industry & Business Activity

Line of Business

72 Accommodation and Food Services



This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing short-term lodging in facilities known as bed-and-breakfast inns. These establishments provide short-term lodging in private homes or small buildings converted for this purpose. Bed-and-breakfast inns are characterized by a highly personalized service and inclusion of a full breakfast in the room rate. Learn more at the U.S. Census Bureau

Key Officers & Management

Name Role
Mary Pedlow Registered Agent
Mary Pedlow Member
Mary Pedlow Manager

Business Licenses

License Number Type Status Issue Date Date of renewal Expiration date Description
923605 Business License Active 2008-12-29 2025-01-07 2026-12-31 LOB: 72 - Accommodation and Food Services, NAICS: 721191 - BED-AND-BREAKFAST INNS


Inspection Type Most Recent Inspection Address
Routine 2019-06-11 226 Main ST Seldovia, AK 99663

Violation Items

Inspector Comments No one on staff has a Certified Food Protection Manager(CFPM) certificate. The owner's certificate has expired. Having the CFPM training is a valuable tool for preventing food borne illness and training employees. Please sign up for this course within 30 days. Owner agreed to take the course at the end of the season when she was back in Anchorage and the course would be available. Please email when you have signed up for this course.

Date of last update: 28 Feb 2025

Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development