LOB: 72 - Accommodation and Food Services, NAICS: 722330 - MOBILE FOOD SERVICES
Inspection Type
Most Recent Inspection
469 S Alaska ST Palmer, AK 99645
Violation Items
Inspector Comments
Employee handled a bun with bare hands while preparing a sandwich. Person in charge informed this is their usual procedure when preparing chicken sandwiches and burgers. Restricting bare hand contact with ready to eat foods is a key step in preventing the spread of norovirus, the most common foodborne illness. The person in charge discarded the bun and washed hands and donned gloves before preparing the sandwich and agreed to restrict bare hand contact with ready to eat foods moving forward.
Inspector Comments
Not all food workers have a Food Worker Card as required. Each employee having a current food worker card ensures a basic understanding of food safety at a food establishment. Please visit http://alaska.state.gegov.com/foodworker/ to obtain training and to take the Food Worker Card test.
469 S Alaska ST Palmer, AK 99645
Violation Items
Inspector Comments
Bleach bucket was observed at 200+ppm. Chlorine sanitzer (bleach) should only be used from 50-100ppm in order to sanitize food contact surfaces without leaving a toxic residue. The person in charge immediately remade the bucket to 50ppm and agreed to acquire test strips for cocentration verification in the future.
Inspector Comments
The sanitizer bucket consisted of a "no splash" bleach which had other chemicals other than just bleach. When using chlroine sanitizer, it must be 100% bleach or other chlorine sanitizer to ensure no other chemicals are introduced to food contact surfaces which may be harmful.