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Meng & Ging's Kitchen, LLC

Company Details

Name: Meng & Ging's Kitchen, LLC
Legal type: Limited Liability Company

Meng & Ging's Kitchen, LLC is structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a common business structure that offers its members limited liability protection, separating their personal assets from the company's debts and obligations.
In Alaska, LLCs are governed by Title 10, Chapter 50 – Alaska Revised Limited Liability Company Act

Status: Good Standing

The 'Good Standing' status indicates that Meng & Ging's Kitchen, LLC is fully compliant with state regulations, has filed all required reports, paid necessary fees and taxes, and maintained a registered agent. This is a positive indicator of the company's operational health and adherence to legal requirements.

Date of registration: 13 Jan 2021 (4 years ago)
Entity Number: 10152336

The entity number, 10152336, is a unique identifier assigned by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to Meng & Ging's Kitchen, LLC. This number can be used to verify the company's registration and access official records.

ZIP code: 99901
County: Ketchikan Gateway
Place of Formation: ALASKA
Address: 521 WATER ST, KETCHIKAN, AK 99901-6332


Line of Business

72 Accommodation and Food Services



This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing food services (except snack and nonalcoholic beverage bars) where patrons generally order or select items and pay before eating. Food and drink may be consumed on premises, taken out, or delivered to the customer's location. Some establishments in this industry may provide these food services in combination with selling alcoholic beverages. Learn more at the U.S. Census Bureau


Name Role Shares
Edermin Paule Member -
Joseph Paule Member 50.00
Joseph Stollar Registered Agent -

Business Licenses

License Number Type Status Issue Date Date of renewal Expiration date Description
2121943 Business License Active 2021-01-13 2022-10-06 2024-12-31 LOB: 72 - Accommodation and Food Services, NAICS: 722513 - LIMITED-SERVICE RESTAURANTS
2176021 Business License Active 2023-03-02 2024-11-07 2025-12-31 LOB: 72 - Accommodation and Food Services, NAICS: 722513 - LIMITED-SERVICE RESTAURANTS


Inspection Type Most Recent Inspection Address
Routine 2021-05-06 521 Water ST Ketchikan, AK 99901

Violation Items

Inspector Comments During inspection, there were jars of garlic in oil and vinegar mixtures being stored at room temperature. The product is used as a dipping sauce and made on site at the facility every week and stored at room temperature only. There are potential health hazards to storing garlic at room temperature in this manner which could lead to food borne illness. Operator agreed to voluntarily throw out the garlic mixtures and will make new ones and store them in the refrigerator from now on.
Inspector Comments During inspection, a chlorine sanitizer bucket with wiping cloths used for wiping down surfaces tested at zero ppms. If a sanitizer solution does not have enough strength it is ineffective at properly sanitizing surfaces. Operator remade the solution and tested it at approx. 100ppm. Operator agreed to ensure sanitizer solution is tested more often throughout the day and provide training to employees as necessary.
Inspector Comments The food processing area hand wash sink did not have a sign instructing employees to wash hands. A hand wash sign is important for food safety to be a reminder to food handlers that washing hands is an important step in preventing food borne illness. I supplied the operator with a hand wash sign who promptly attached it above the sink.
Inspector Comments The chlorine bucket used for wiping cloths was not labeled. Chemicals need to be labeled so that accidental misuse or identification of product does not occur. Operator wrote on the bucket with a sharpie the chemical used during inspection. Operator agreed to ensure chemicals are properly labeled and provide further training to employees as necessary.

Date of last update: 24 Feb 2025

Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development