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Jellyfish Donuts Corporation


Company Details

Name: Jellyfish Donuts Corporation
Jurisdiction: Alaska
Legal type: Business Corporation
Status: Good Standing
Date of registration: 24 Feb 2024 (a year ago)
Entity Number: 10261106
ZIP code: 99901
County: Ketchikan Gateway
Place of Formation: ALASKA
Address: 906 WATER ST, KETCHIKAN, AK 99901
Mailing Address: 910 WATER ST, KETCHIKAN, AK 99901


Name Role
Brianna Krantz Alien Affiliate
Brianna Krantz Incorporator
Brianna Krantz Registered Agent


Inspection Type Most Recent Inspection Address
Follow-Up - Physical Recheck 2021-07-16 910 Water ST Ketchikan, AK 99901

Violation Items

Inspector Comments No violations
Routine 2021-07-01 910 Water ST Ketchikan, AK 99901

Violation Items

Inspector Comments There was raw, ground sausage meat in the refrigerator that the operator uses for pelminis. The sausage had a strong rancid smell to it. The operator voluntarily threw out the sausage in question and will purchase new sausage from the grocery store. Operator will more closely monitor the condition of food items to ensure the food is safe and wholesome for consumer consumption.
Inspector Comments The operator does not have a CFPM on staff. Having a knowledgeable CFPM on staff and involved in daily operations is important to ensure safe food is being produced and served. The operator has been working on obtaining the CFPM and will provide a copy after she takes the test.
Inspector Comments Per operator, she has at least one employee and has had past employees but no food worker cards are on file at the facility. Food workers shall have a food worker card issued by the State of Alaska to ensure employees who handle food have a understanding of basic food safety practices. Operator stated she will start getting copies of food worker cards for employees from this point on and keep them on file at the facility.
Inspector Comments Operator did not have a test kit available for use when making up sanitizing solution. Having a test kit is important to ensure sanitizing solution is strong enough to sanitize properly but not so strong as to become toxic to consumers. The operator agreed to obtain a test kit and will ensure one is always at the facility in the future.
Inspector Comments The door to the toilet room was broken off it's hinges so there was no door at all. Additionally, it was discovered during inspection the bathroom opens directly to the food processing area making it even more important to fix the door immediately. Furthermore, the door that has been used for the bathroom is an accordion style door that is not self closing (unable to determine if it's tight fitting since it was no longer installed). Having properly installed, self-closing, and tight fitting doors on bathrooms helps to prevent the spread of harmful pathogens to food areas. The operator agreed to have the door fixed immediately.
Inspector Comments The hand wash sink in the processing room had a broken hot water knob. Only cold water was available to use in the sink. Additionally, the hand wash sink had used paper towels in its basin which was a result of no garbage can being in an area where it was convenient. It's important to have a completely functional and convenient hand wash station to encourage food handlers to wash hands properly and to be the first line of defense in food borne illness caused by handling of foods. Operator stated she will work on getting the sink repaired as soon as possible and provide a refuse can that is conveniently located to the hand wash station.
Inspector Comments The light fixture installed directly over food processing table had an uncovered glass bulb. Glass light bulbs need to have a shatter proof cover in the instance the light bulb breaks and contaminates food with glass posing a physical hazard to consumers. Operator agreed to install a shatter proof covering over light fixture and will ensure one is always installed in the future.
Inspector Comments There was an unlabeled bottle of chemicals located at the front serving counter. Operator stated it was a degreaser solution and wrote that on the bottle with a sharpie. All chemicals shall be labeled to help prevent possible/accidental misuse of the chemical. Operator agreed to ensure all chemicals are properly labeled and provide training to employees as necessary.
Complaint - General 2021-05-26 910 Water ST Ketchikan, AK 99901

Violation Items

Inspector Comments No violations

Date of last update: 27 Jan 2025

Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development