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Company Details

Jurisdiction: Alaska
Legal type: Business Corporation
Status: Good Standing
Date of registration: 28 Feb 2011 (14 years ago)
Entity Number: 133581
ZIP code: 99709
County: Fairbanks North Star
Place of Formation: ALASKA
Address: 3535 COLLEGE ROAD, FAIRBANKS, AK 99709


Line of Business

72 Accommodation and Food Services




Name Role
LE CHEN Director
LE CHEN President
LE CHEN Shareholder
LE CHEN Treasurer
JIAN CHEN Director
JIAN CHEN Secretary
JIAN CHEN Shareholder
JIAN CHEN Vice President
Le Chen Registered Agent

Business Licenses

License Number Type Status Issue Date Date of renewal Expiration date Description
954814 Business License Active 2011-03-01 2024-12-12 2026-12-31 LOB: 72 - Accommodation and Food Services, NAICS: 722511 - FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANTS


Inspection Type Most Recent Inspection Address
Routine 2023-11-27 3535 College RD Fairbanks, AK 99709

Violation Items

Inspector Comments During the course of the inspection one cook was observed mixing raw chicken with bread crumbs, cooking the chicken, then placing the cooked chicken on top of the area where it had been raw just moments before it was fried. as the food is being placed back onto the raw chicken juices cross contamination may occur which can lead to food borne illness. This was corrected by having the cook use a seperate dish to mix the raw chicken. Going forward the staff have been informed of how this may impact the publics health and will adopt the separate container method for mixing the raw chicken with the bread crumbs.
Follow-Up - LOC 2022-08-10 3535 College RD Fairbanks, AK 99709

Violation Items

Inspector Comments No violations
Routine 2022-08-03 3535 College RD Fairbanks, AK 99709

Violation Items

Inspector Comments I saw that the sushi chef uses time as a control for the sushi rice by discarding any left over rice after the 4 hour period. I discussed that germs can grow very fast on potentially hazardous food left out of temperature control for over 4 hours can cause food born illnesses. I explained that they still need an actual record or log so they know exactly when to discard the sushi rice with in a 4 hour period. The manager quickly developed a hand written log until they can print official time as control logs.
Inspector Comments I observed that the operator did not have parasite destruction records on site when requested. I explained it is important to always have parasite destruction records to know that the supplier of the fish is properly processing the fish correctly as it is consumed raw. The manager stated that they will email me destruction records by tomorrow.
Inspector Comments I saw that the dishwasher had less than 25ppm of detectable chlorine sanitizer solution. I explained that the chlorine sanitizing level should be 50-100pm to effectively kill any germs. The manager immediately set up the 3 compartment sink so they can wash and rinse in the dishwasher and then sanitize in the three compartment sink. The manager stated they will call the dishwasher company to get a new replacement.
Routine 2019-11-29 3535 College RD Fairbanks, AK 99709

Violation Items

Inspector Comments There is no consumer advisory disclosure on the menu letting customers know which menu items contain raw or undercooked ingredients. The facility has a consumer advisory reminder posted on the wall underneath the sushi display case. There must be a consumer advisory disclosure and reminder so that customers are aware of the increased risk of foodborne illness from consuming these items. The person in charge agreed to mark all items on the menu that are raw with a symbol that corresponds to the reminder. The person in charge agreed to take a picture of the updated menu and email it to by December 26, 2019.
Inspector Comments I observed 1 unlabeled spray bottle hanging from the handwashing sink in the kitchen. I observed 1 unlabeled spray bottle hanging above the 3 compartment sink. I observed 1 unlabeled spray bottle hanging from the sushi rice container. Spray bottles of toxic chemicals must be labeled to prevent chemicals from being mistaken for food additives which can make someone ill if ingested. The person in charge labeled all 3 bottles as Clean Soap and agreed to train staff to keep all chemicals labeled.
Follow-Up - LOC 2018-09-28 3535 College RD Fairbanks, AK 99709

Violation Items

Inspector Comments No violations
Routine 2018-09-20 3535 College RD Fairbanks, AK 99709

Violation Items

Inspector Comments Facility has a sign above the rice maker stating rice must be discarded every 4 hour hours; however, there is no time written to indicate when the rice must be discarded. A time must be indicated near the food item that is using time as a public health control so employees know when to discard the food and doesn't exceed the 4 hour time limit. PIC agreed to keep the time marked to allow employees to know when rice needs to be discarded.
Inspector Comments Facility does not have parasite destruction records. Proof of parasite destruction must be kept on site to ensure seafood that is undercooked or raw does not contain parasites. Person in charge (PIC) is not aware if his supplier freezes seafood for parasite destruction. He agreed to contact his supplier and if it is determined the supplier does not freeze seafood for parasite destruction, he will ensure to maintain a log.
Inspector Comments Bleach sanitizer bucket near 3x sink was observed <50ppm. To safely and effectively sanitize food contact surfaces, solution must be between 50-100ppm. PIC remade solution to 100ppm. He agreed to utilize test strips so that solution is consistent.

Date of last update: 24 Jan 2025

Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development