Follow-Up - Physical Recheck
607 Halibut Point RD Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
607 Halibut Point RD Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
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Observed kitchen staff did not have food worker cards. The person in charge stated that they were not aware that they needed a food worker card. They stated they can obtain a food worker card by Monday 02/06/2023. |
Inspector Comments |
Observed the handwashing sink does not have hot water available. Person in charge (PIC) explained it is a known issue and they are waiting for repairs to be made. They stated staff have been washing their hands in the middle compartment of the three compartment sink. I explained handwashing must take place in a dedicated handwashing sink to avoid cross contamination and the spread of germs on to dishes adjacent to the three compartment sink. PIC was unable to determine when repairs will be made to the handwashing sink. |
Inspector Comments |
Observed staff washing, rinsing, and then drying dishes and utensils. I discussed that a sanitizing step must occur after the washing and rinsing. The sanitizing step will ensure that germs are killed and prevent protentional food born illness. The person in charge was knowledgeable and immediately cleaned and sanitized the third bay sink and mixed a sanitizer with bleach and water. |
Inspector Comments |
Observed handwashing sink in the restroom was filled with coffee cup packaging. I explained that handwashing must occur after using the restroom before entering the kitchen area to prevent the spread of germs. I discussed by having the handwashing sink inaccessible proper handwashing was unable to be achieved. The PIC immediately removed the packaging from the handwashing station and made the sink accessible. |
Follow-Up - Physical Recheck
607 Halibut Point RD Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
607 Halibut Point RD Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
Observed that the chlorine and water solution in the 3-compartment sink was reading 200PPM. At the time of inspection facility did not have chlorine reading test strips available. Manager stated they will get appropriate test strips today after the inspection. Discussed with the manager that over chlorination of the sanitizing solution can leave a chemical residue that can contaminate food contact surfaces and may lead to illness. Adequate chlorine levels for sanitizing are 50-100PPM. I demonstrated how to properly mix the chlorine and water and was able to achieve 50-100PPM. Recommend 1 teaspoon of chlorine to 1 gallon of water to achieve 50-100 PPM. |
607 Halibut Point RD Sitka, AK 99835
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |