Name: | Edwards Details |
Legal type: |
Business Name Registration
Edwards Details is operating under a Business Name Registration, also known as a "doing business as" (DBA) name or an assumed name. This registration allows an individual or business entity to operate and conduct business under a name different from their legal or registered name. A Business Name Registration does not create a separate legal entity. It's primarily for informational purposes and allows the public to identify the individual or entity behind the assumed name.
Status: |
Active Name
"Active Name" status means that the name Edwards Details is registered and protected. While it's a positive sign, it doesn't necessarily indicate active operations. This designation simply indicates that no other entity can register or use the exact same name within the state at this time. |
Date of registration: | 10 Jan 2021 (4 years ago) |
Expiration date: | 31 Dec 2025 |
Entity Number: |
The entity number, 10152080, is a unique identifier assigned by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to Edwards Details. This number can be used to verify the company's registration and access official records. |
ZIP code: | 99705 |
County: | Fairbanks North Star |
Place of Formation: | ALASKA |
Address: | 309 WEST 6TH AVE, NORTH POLE, AK 99705 |
Mailing Address: | P.O. BOX 55484, NORTH POLE, AK 99705 |
Name | Role |
Deven Edwards | Owner |
Date of last update: 24 Feb 2025
Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development