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Denali Lab LLC

Company Details

Name: Denali Lab LLC
Legal type: Limited Liability Company

Denali Lab LLC is structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a common business structure that offers its members limited liability protection, separating their personal assets from the company's debts and obligations.
In Alaska, LLCs are governed by Title 10, Chapter 50 – Alaska Revised Limited Liability Company Act

Status: Non-Compliant

"Non-Compliant" status means that Denali Lab LLC has failed to meet one or more state requirements, such as filing necessary documents or paying required fees, but has not yet been dissolved. It's a warning sign that shouldn't be ignored.

Date of registration: 06 Jan 2021 (4 years ago)
Entity Number: 10151693

The entity number, 10151693, is a unique identifier assigned by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to Denali Lab LLC. This number can be used to verify the company's registration and access official records.

ZIP code: 99503
County: Anchorage
Place of Formation: ALASKA
Address: 3300 ARCTIC BLVD STE 201 #1333, ANCHORAGE, AK 99503


Name Role
Chenyi Ling Manager
Chenyi Ling Member
Chenyi Ling Registered Agent

Unique Entity ID

A UEI is a government-provided number, like a tax ID number, that’s used to identify businesses eligible for federal grants, awards and contracts.

Note: In April 2022, the federal government replaced its old identifier of choice, the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, with a government-issued UEI. Now all the federal government’s Integrated Award Environment systems use UEI numbers instead of DUNS numbers. So any entity doing business with the federal government must register for a UEI.

Unique Entity ID UEI Expiration Date Physical Address
J8J5UKYWTSL5 2022-06-13 1309 28TH AVE APT 3, FAIRBANKS, AK, 99701, 6773, USA
Mailing Address 1309 28TH AVE APT 3, FAIRBANKS, AK, 99701, 6773, USA

Business Information

Congressional District 00
State/Country of Incorporation AK, USA
Activation Date 2021-05-17
Initial Registration Date 2021-03-08
Entity Start Date 2021-01-06
Fiscal Year End Close Date Dec 31

Service Classifications

NAICS Codes 339920, 423910, 424990

Points of Contacts

Electronic Business
Role CEO
Address 1309 28TH AVE, APT3, FAIRBANKS, AK, 99701, USA
Government Business
Role CEO
Address 1309 28TH AVE, APT3, FAIRBANKS, AK, 99701, USA
Past Performance -

Date of last update: 24 Feb 2025

Sources: State of Alaska - Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development