33320 Sterling HWY Sterling, AK 99672
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
Potentially hazardous foods on top and underneath the prep table were observed being held above 41F. Keeping potentially hazardous foods below 41F prevents the growth of pathogens. Manager immediately discarded all the out of temp foods. Moved other foods in the unit to a good fridge unit. Will train you staff on taking fridge food temps. Fridge temp was turned down, staff will wait to see if it works. Staff will not use cold holding unit until it can be proven to hold below 41F. |
Complaint - General
33320 Sterling HWY Sterling, AK 99672
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
Follow-Up - LOC
33320 Sterling HWY Sterling, AK 99672
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
No violations |
33320 Sterling HWY Sterling, AK 99672
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
Not all food workers have a Food Worker Card as required. Please visit to obtain training and to take the Food Worker Card test. Please email copies of food worker cards to |
33320 Sterling HWY Sterling, AK 99672
Violation Items
Inspector Comments |
The eggs in the display refrigerator were improperly stored above ready-to-eat foods. Salmonella enteritis may be inside perfectly normal-appearing eggs and can cause serious illness if the eggs crack or break and drip onto ready-to-eat foods. Owner moved eggs to store below all ready-to-eat foods and would make sure they were stored that way in the future. |
Inspector Comments |
Food in the bottom of the prep line table were observed at temperatures above 41F. The rate of bacterial growth and possible toxin production can be greatly reduced when foods are held at temperatures of less than 41F. Employee moved food to another cooler and owner adjusted the thermometer on the unit to a colder setting. Staff would monitor the unit to make sure it held food at 41F or below. |