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Adapt Telephony Services, LLC

Date of last update: 13 Feb 2025. Data updated daily.

Adapt Telephony Services is a Limited Liability Company registered in Alaska. Founded in November 2015, with the entity number 10033620. The entity did not apply for any business licenses yet. Currently in Merged. Adapt Telephony Services has 4 key officers and 3 shareholders.

Company Details

Legal Name: Adapt Telephony Services, LLC
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company

Adapt Telephony Services, LLC is structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a common business structure that offers its members limited liability protection, separating their personal assets from the company's debts and obligations.
In Alaska, LLCs are governed by Title 10, Chapter 50 – Alaska Revised Limited Liability Company Act

Status: Merged

"Merged" status means that Adapt Telephony Services, LLC has merged with another entity and no longer exists as a separate legal entity in Alaska. Its assets, liabilities, and operations have been transferred to the surviving company in the merger.

AK Formed Date: 12 Nov 2015 (9 years ago)
Expiration date: 01 Dec 2097
Branch of: Adapt Telephony Services, LLC, ILLINOIS (Company Number LLC_07067364)
Entity Number: 10033620

The entity number, 10033620, is a unique identifier assigned by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development to Adapt Telephony Services, LLC. This number can be used to verify the company's registration and access official records.

Home State: ILLINOIS
Entity Mailing Address: 600 ENTERPRISE DR STE 204, OAK BROOK, IL 60523

Key Officers & Management

Name Role Shares
Corporation Service Company Registered Agent -
Brett Zbikowski Member 33.33
Brian Holdampf Member 33.33
John Goodman Member 33.33
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Sources: Check Sources of Data for a detailed schedule of each dataset.

* While we strive to keep this information correct and up-to-date, it is not the primary source, and the dataset source should always be referred to for definitive information